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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC Tournament #5: Round 1 Match 14 Raymond Vs Cy

The results are in for Match 12.
“Well, now, that was a treat, wasn’t it? Alright, everyone, get ready for the main event! Bursting into the lane, ready for her adoring fans, give it up loud and clear for… TD/MD!”
The crowd went wild, then, as the star emerged, wearing a brightly-shining silver top dotted in acciaccatura symbols, blue shorts and long silver and black socks on her right and left legs accentuating the graceful form of TD/MD. Her eyes, already discolored so drastically from one another, were accentuated with asymmetric eyeshadow, gray and blue, blue dots of makeup underneath the latter left eye, and as she emerged, her left hand, clad in a blue glove with a black line through its center, stretched towards the crowd, her right in a silvery glistening glove moving towards the black headphones around her neck, blue acciaccatura symbols on either outside as other musical symbols, smaller, less prominent, dotted the rest of the thing. There was an obvious extravagance in the outfit made more impressive by its components being relatively simple: a t-shirt, shorts, socks, shoes, and gloves, really.
“Whoa, talk about a tough act to follow… And that’s coming from me!” Metra Doria laughed lightly, having emerged to an immensely lively, astonished, applauding audience, applauding the avant-garde show which had led up to her. “Sound’s Garden, am I right? The people this place attracts are some of the most interesting performers I have ever known, and what we all just witnessed, I think, is a perfect preamble, a summation of everything we should aspire to be, of the power to move hearts and souls that music can have! I seriously feel like I need to give the best damn concert of my life now just to be worthy of headlining here… And of course, I can’t play everything alone. Before we start, let’s hear it for my backing band!”
“My bassist, Stella Starlight, my drummer, Scott Sundquist, annnnd…” Melodically, that ‘and’ trailed until one of the stagehands from before, clad now in a totally new outfit, emerged. “Luna, on the synth!” With the band introduced to cheers, TD/MD, then, sat before a piano which the rest of the stagehands had moved onstage while the crowd’s eyes were on the star, and a cloud of smoke in their path. “So, Los Fortuna, are! You! Ready?!”
The first of many songs that night began.
In the chaos of these two disparate teams, both quite surprised by the realization of who they would be sharing their stages with, their independent plans, nonetheless, blended together seamlessly to tell classical comedies of ancient kings and heroes, of fighting and rejecting a tragic end, a bizarre prog rock gymnastic live weapons show tale of the human spirit at its finest.
It was often that, thanks to the mishaps of the manager Thutmose, the acts before TD/MD went down in memetic legend, the stuff people spoke about often both on social media and in shady, smoky backrooms. Usually, however, they were spoken of as disasters saved by her star performance, to the point where some wondered if it was on purpose to hype her up more at some poor bastard’s extent.
That night, however, a certain performance pierced the hearts of the crowd and brought about complete adoration, even matching the attention of the headliner. As her own show, grand, perfect, putting a tear in the eye of the man who sat beside Tigran Sins in a special box, drew to a close, and the crowd called for an encore, TD/MD spoke into the microphone. “Alright, Los Fortuna, I think I definitely have time for one more song, but… I haven’t forgotten who you were all cheering for earlier. In the time it’s taken, we’ve already seen to it… I’m going to welcome some people back on the stage to join me for this!” Directing her hand stage left, she declared, “‘Nureyev,’ Admiral Pineapples ‘Orpheus,’ ‘Hades,’ and all the best stagehands in the world, get back up here, the whole of you! Let’s close the night off in the best way possible!”
The winner is Everyone, with a score of 79!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Masters of Funky Action 16-14 There were a record number of tie votes this match, but in the end, just barely, MFA pulled ahead in popularity by a singular vote.
Quality Judecca Highrollers 27-29 Reasoning
JoJolity Tie 27-27 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10
After the show, Metra asked the quartet to wait for her outside her green room so they might speak in private as she dressed back down into more casual getup, the four of them and manager Thutmose conversing outside all throughout.
“That was legendary,” Rudolf said first, “feel like we really moved hearts out here tonight!”
“Even if only for a little while…” Admiral Pineapples agreed, looking over the Highrollers. “It was very nice to work with you, even under such strange circumstances.”
“Tens of thousands… It’s still surreal,” Alexis added, “they were cheering for us almost as hard as they were for TD/MD… And I heard they usually end up laughing off the act right before the big headliner?”
Cybil simply allowed a smug smile. “I was advocating for you, Alexis, so of course I knew you would defeat such superstitions…” And then, she offered the manager a frown. “Mr. Thutmose. I hope now you’ve learned a lesson about fooling around with people. It is only because we were so amazing that you still have your job right now.”
“How humble…” Thutmose answered, chuckling nervously and running his hands through his hair. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll go straight now… I didn’t realize how much this was upsetting Metra, either-”
“Thutmose, my boy,” a self-important voice said, announcing his presence an instant before his garish demeanor could assault the eyes of the hangers-around. Tigran Sins, in his gold-yellow checkered suit, approached, that muscular brunette right hand of his, Fox, close by, a sort of warmth on his still quite intimidating face, “you really do know how to pick ‘em. Miss Antoine, Mr. Pavlova, Admiral, and Alexis, you were… I must say, almost sort of in the league of our star.”
“Not even close, really,” Fox answered, stepping forward then, a massive bouquet in his hands, a vinyl tucked neatly under his arm, “anyway, Thutmose, let us through. We need to speak with her now… That show was her greatest yet, and she needs to hear it personally from-”
“TD/MD isn’t seeing anyone else tonight,” Thutmose answered, the young man standing firmer now, though all four of his companions noticed that he seemed to be shaking. “She’s exhausted after her show, and already needs to make time for others…” He moved to yoink the flowers out of his hands. “I’ll give these to her on your behalf, though, and tell her who it’s from… But she won’t be seeing you.”
Like that, the warm demeanor on the intimidating-looking man’s face grew tenser again, and even Tigran seemed to grow frustrated as well, answering next, “are you certain she can’t make time? Fox really needs to speak with her in person.”
“Hey, hey, you heard the twink,” Rudolf interjected, stepping in now (“Twink..?” “Yep!”), raising a bathrobe-covered arm, “let’s keep things excellent here and not freak the poor lady out. I hear she’s got a perfect pitch, ya know, so she’s gonna hear it if we’re ruinin’ her night!”
Fox folded his arms, Tigran himself looking contemplative, almost stressed, before his accompaniment turned away, seemingly aware of the numbers on the meek man’s side. “Next time, then.”
The pair left, and like that, Thutmose nearly collapsed into the wall, exhaling. “I just defied Tigran to his face… Hhehhhh…” He shook his head. “She should be ready by now. I’m gonna go burn these flowers… Maybe start online shopping for walking sticks, ‘cuz I feel like my kneecaps are gonna notice this…”
A voice called from the inside, seemingly concurring with the manager’s point. “Coast clear? Alright, come in!”
The four entered, seeing Metra sitting there casually in a black hoodie, more fit for the cool evening, with blue sweatpants covered in silver spirals, relaxing into her chair and nursing a bottle of some sports drink with the label peeled away idly. “You four have all shown me pretty definitely what you stand for tonight… You’re cool. I think I can trust you. Have a seat, alright? Let’s hang out, chat a bit. I don’t think I need to tell you there’s a lot in Sound’s Garden that needs talking-about.”
For interested parties, as of this going up, there is still a day left to vote in a match between masters of lawful bastard and chaotic bastard energies, both vying to get the other thrown out of a resort.
A former speakeasy in Hotel Delmano - North Island, Downtown Los Fortuna. Late morning
The Baker Street Rat Pack had a good few ideas to advance forward juggling in their heads, now that the city’s issues were rapidly beginning to juggle themselves more and more.
North Island PD was still more aggressive under the galvanizing rhetoric of Council Chairman March, none of which seemed to be stopping the serial killer who ran rampant in the region, the districts west of the Wormwood seemed a hotbed of wars between gangs, unions, and the bulk of ODIN’s security forces, and that wasn’t even getting into issues which the BSRP had no relation to, but were indeed aware of.
The matter most currently relevant to Cy Syntheta, however, was listening to the concerns and fleeting research of Peter “Treagon” Bequasimodo.
“I just don’t get it,” Peter said to them, looking fleetingly at his laptop. “I can’t use my Stand to get out of the city, and now I try to use it to look into this ‘Institute’ here, and can't get into there either. It’s like… They have some sort of Stand User Firewall, in simple, un-hacker terms.”
Cy had been sitting and chatting with the self-styled treasonous vegan, having been of the mind of late to actually do something useful, and remembering the hacktivist had been hot on somebody, something or another’s trail. “So you have a clue as to what that ‘from the Institute, Oh No,’ thing meant?”
“Better than a clue,” Peter answered, “turns out it literally wasn’t even a riddle. Just a straightforward signoff.” Like that, he stylishly spun his laptop around on a nearby surface, stopping it as the screen faced Cy. “Look for yourself.”
“This is…” Cy was catching on quickly. “The ‘University Board’ of Midnight Sun? Hell, I knew they were kind of a big deal, but looking over these names back and forth…”
“Yep,” Peter answered, “and these are the basics I could dig up on most of them… This No guy, though, other than existing? Practically a ghost. Apparently sometimes doesn’t even show for meetings in person.”
“And we have definite signs this guy knows about people’s Stand abilities, and hangs out with that ‘Golden Sins’ guy you punched out? ‘Parapsychological Research,’ too… Sounds like Stands without outright saying Stands.”
“Think I might have to go physical again,” Peter answered, “if an agent of Neoliberal Academia is on us, we gotta know their intention. With those types you never know if they’re with you or gonna sell you out. Think I was gonna start by checking out some Institute libraries.”
“Wait,” Cy answered in turn, “you say they know about you and you’ve been trying to break in already… Then it might be too much heat on you to storm the castle. Let me take care of it.”
“Oh, man, really? That’s super cool of you, Cy. If you find anything, I owe you one.”
“Don’t think of it like I’m being nice to you for its own sake,” the assassin answered, “this is something that affects me, too, especially if we screw it up, and a physical infiltration is the kind of thing I’m more suited for than you… Though I will remember what you just offered.”
Midnight Sun University Town - A Street Decked out for Pride
Raymond “Ray” Delwyn Shimizu, meanwhile, had discovered similar information to Cy under what can be called vastly different circumstances: rather than suspicious, experience and perspective had taught him to have a cautiously optimistic approach to the clear power over the Metropolitan area the University Board held.
To the Speedwagon Foundation, this Parapsychological Research Facility has always been an enigma, since it’s always been a risk to send many operatives to Los Fortuna, but I have a ‘feeling…’ A ‘feeling’ that tells me they are not going to be so dissimilar to us. I can’t help but wonder, then, like how my team is dealing with Cairo now, if SKADE can’t have its ‘talents’ assisted by some University grants and allianceship as well… Our ‘contact’ within ODIN didn’t have a bad word to say about them, so it likely won’t cause trouble with them, either.
But first, Raymond knew, he could not simply walk blindly into such an alliance, much like his team had needed first to figure this Cairo out a bit more before adding their resources to their mission. A place worth starting to do such homework, then, would be in the records of their little research institute.
As he walked along, Raymond soon passed by a frankly adorable-looking building, a sign out front of the place reading in bubbly letters: ‘CaraMel’s Confection & Bakery’
To that end, then, he thought, oh, tempting… Maybe I’ll stop by on the way back from the library, bring donuts or weird candies or something back to the gang. I have to imagine they’re delicious… Peering through the window, he saw the place absolutely bustling, loaded with the kind of crowd that speaks to waiting nearly an hour in line, and more going in. Urgh, and maybe there’ll be less of a line by then.
After thinking that to himself, then, Raymond continued onwards, still making sure to eye every little oddity and incongruity of the area he could. Peaceful as the college town largely seemed, strange phenomena that could only amount to Stand usage also felt especially concentrated, even compared to the rest of this city.
I’ve heard rumors of all number of notorious members of the Stand underworld in the region, and I’m sure I’m not the only one out here seeking this library out… or the one with the worst of intentions for it.
Midnight Sun Parapsychological Institute Research Library - 1F Lobby
Much to Raymond’s surprise, the place seemed… A pretty ordinary research library, all things considered. He hadn’t gotten terribly far in yet, of course, but then again, he didn’t really know what he was expecting.
A receptionist with braided dark-red hair, round, spiraling glasses, and a blue vest over a short-sleeved black button-up sat at the front desk, guarding his way from a pair of doors behind him. Off to one side, gated from entry, sat a stairwell, visibly enticing, yet with a sign before it very overtly communicating: NO PUBLIC ENTRANCE.
Ah, well, he could at least get an idea by looking around what sort of face they were willing to show anyone who entered.
“Erm… S-sir?” The young woman at the entrance asked, seeming intimidated by his tall form. “Did you need to find something in particular? I’m, uh, I mean we… We’re not, uh.” She blinked. “What did you want again?”
The sight practically made Ray roll his eyes, but he was able to let through a straightforward, “I didn’t say, actually…” Crap, he hadn’t thought this far, either. Of course a place like this would want to know why people were looking into it. Still, though, Ray was nothing if not smooth and even-faced, and in the span of the time between that ‘actually’ and opening his mouth again, he had thought convincingly of what wasn’t a lie, but didn’t actually say much of anything either. “I want to look into some cases this Institute has worked for this city. This is a pretty big place, and I know it’s a storied institution, so I thought I should get acquainted with some of them.”
“R-right! Of course! So nothing in particular? Okay, cool..! I’m, uh… P-please, don’t hesitate at all if you need me…” The young woman pressed a button by her desk, and the doors clicked, unlocking from this side. As Ray began towards it, though, he was interrupted. “Oh, and one more thing!”
He could practically see the ‘menacings’ emanating off of her, those adorable glasses practically shining as she spoke more clearly now. “There are two types of research library… Ones which only allow ‘reference,’ and ones which allow ‘lending’ to guests. We’re not a lending library, so don’t let us catch you taking anything out of here… Do you understand me, sir?”
“…crystal clear.” This girl is a Stand User… For a moment, I almost let it slip my mind where I am.
“Great!” She said, back to her somewhat nervous, bubbly demeanor. “Oh, and, uh… Don’t make too much noise either, ‘kay? I won’t be able to tell, because these walls are soundproofed, but we can’t be held accountable for what happens if you get other library patrons angry..!”
There, she sounded more honest, even a touch exasperated to Raymond, as if exactly that had happened too many times to count, and she was resigned to it happening again. “I understand.”
Curious as he stepped in, Raymond tested the door… Seemed it did, at least, open from the inside, so no fire hazard or Stand trap there even if it was locked externally. The library interior was hardly bustling, per se, but there were, regardless, a few faces about, all of whom struck Raymond as people it might or might not be a worthwhile idea to fuck with, including but not limited to a tall, balding, androgynous figure with an eyepatch over their forehead, a very average-looking young woman in a purple beret, a red-clad teenager in an aviator hat with a feather plume, round glasses, and long facial features, a tall twentysomething in too many coats with hair like a palm tree, a balding, dark-haired, bespectacled, bearded figure in a stupid black cap and loosely-worn red tie with simultaneously an utterly unhinged and utterly vacant look in his eye, and a blond, stubbly-haired twenty-something six-foot-something in sunglasses and a vest with shoulder sections that wriggled down his arms.
Raymond thought little of the colorful characters around as he went to start picking out some reference material to sit at a desk with, but as he did, he happened to glance across the aisle, seeing there someone who he definitely knew was probably trouble: a short-haired, taller-than-him, androgynous blond with chin-length, face-covering bangs, which had an almost plastic sheen to them. They wore a form-fitting crop-top, shoulder-length cloak, jorts, leggings, and an armful of plastic bands.
No way… I’ve heard of this person before! The foundation says that Cy Syntheta is a ruthless sellsword who’ll work any job. What could a person like that want in a place like this? Who are you doing research for? I smell trouble here… I’m going to need to apprehend them, dead or alive, before someone gets seriously hurt. I must say, as a swordsman myself, though, I’m almost excited… Almost.
Cy Syntheta, minutes ago, had received a similar spiel for a similar non-explanation of their intentions, though theirs even vaguer, given the fact that the assassin was entering fully prepared to find information which led them to view the Institute as some sort of enemy. Their hunt for information about the hotel they occupied had led to a fascinatingly thorough history of its paranormal and criminal oddities, but nothing which referenced any of them.
Nothing written about Heartache Casino where you’d expect, except a very brief mention of an assault from an ancient king when they tried to display some kind of ancient slab in the early 2010s… Nothing about us, either, when we know they definitely have something on us. Ugh. Is that on the more confidential floors..? Maybe I do need to start figuring out how to break in… And then, a moment later, their head perked up with a realization. There’s eyes on me… Someone is watching me right now, and close.
Their head, then, darted across the aisles, and directly across from them stood a tall, broad-looking figure glancing their way with a clear, sneering suspicion. Everything about this guy screamed ‘fed,’ or at least something adjacent.
Looks like my reputation has caught up to me again… Well, that’s just great. I’m gonna need to take this guy out then… How annoying. Hopefully, all these other guys stay out of it so I can get back to what I was doing.
Open the game…
Location: A public floor of the Midnight Sun Parapsychological Research Institute Library. The area here is 32 by 32 meters with each tile being 2 by 2 meters. Players are represented by their tokens with Raymond on the center left and Cy on the center right.
The purple rectangles are bookshelves that are each around 2 meters tall. The brown rectangles are desks complete with chairs and lighting. The green circle is the help and resources desk. The plus signs are computer desks and the cone shapes on the bottom sides of the map are printers.
Goal: RETIRE your opponent!
Additional Information: They’re minding their own business, but the Institute Library is sparsely populated with a number of Stand Users among the general civilians. If you make too much noise or actively try to involve them in your fight, they’ll kick your ass, and you will be RETIRED. If you try to trick them into thinking your opponent is antagonizing them by using your own abilities to somehow try to make them look bad, they’ll kick your ass, and you will be RETIRED.
On the other hand, though, as long as you’re not actively aiming for them, even the non-stand users in this area are pretty savvy people to be actively researching here in the middle of a fight; chumps, cowards, and charlatans will have already fled before they’re in any danger, leaving only people who know the score. They can generally reliably avoid being hurt, and as long as you aren’t too loud, will not under any circumstances besides aforementioned loss conditions use their various Stands to kick your ass.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Baker Street Rat Pack Cy Syntheta “My name is ‘Kira Yoshikage.’ I can’t remember when or how I died… but one thing I can say is I feel certain I will not go to Heaven.” This parapsychological research library has some truly morbid, fascinating stories from which to draw inspiration. Take creative inspiration from paranormal knowledge in the basis and techniques of your strategy!
Sharp Lookers Raymond “Ray” Delwyn Shimizu “I saw a book, seemingly unpopular, titled ‘The Elephant Who Lost His Nose.’ I thought to myself… Now why in the world would he lose his nose?” You’ve found your way to an absolutely fascinating source of unusual parapsychological knowledge, and as an agent of SKADE and of the Foundation alike, you aren’t going to take this opportunity for granted. Take creative inspiration from paranormal knowledge in the basis and techniques of your strategy!
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submitted by Dungeon_Dice to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

The Big Yoink: A Smol Detective Story, Chapter 13

Standard Disclaimer: I do not take credit for the setting, this story is set in the They Are Smol universe, written by our very own u/tinyprancinghorse.
TPH has a Website, a Patreon, and also a Discord if you need more smol shenanigans.
The first Smol Detective story can be read starting Here.
There will be some spoilers/references of the first SD story in this one, so consider yourself duly warned.
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
In the previous chapter:
Bgrarh gets some Contraband.
Oscar has a Nice Suit.
Two words: Conga Line.
In this chapter:
Resh'skk does some Acting.
Sssnnathor serves up some Snacks.
The Silken Feather does a Clever Girl.
The shuttle was due to depart in [six hours], which should give Bgrarh-of-Arhraz plenty of time. He checked for the hundredth time that his lab door was securely locked, then pulled out the unassigned terminal he'd managed to snag for this. The latter was just in case anyone tried to check the logs on his own 'official' machine. What he was doing was not strictly forbidden by the Inquisition, but it would be considered impolite and cause for censure.
If he got caught, Bgrarh figured he could spin a story of finding the media 'somewhere' and examining it merely to see if he could determine its origin. They wouldn't believe him, but they'd probably let his possession slide...especially if he let the hypothetical Inquisitor watch over his shoulder.
He took a steadying breath and popped in the first chip, then selected "Doctor No". Within a few scenes he'd gotten the gist of this [James Bond] character in spite of the poor quality and terrible dubbing. The Dorarizin had a similar fictional character, namely one Inquisitor Hrnarah. She traveled the galaxy with a blaster at her hip, ready to mete out justice and bed any comely males she came across.
But Hrnarah was also, well, a she. This [Sean Connery] person was as adorable as any [human], but he was also quite clearly male. And even though [Connery] walked with the standard wobbly, about-to-fall-over gait of a [human], there was a relentlessness to the way he moved that drew the eye.
The movie ended, and Bgrarh chose another at random. This had a different actor playing Bond, one who was less imposing but more debonair. The movie followed much the same formula as the first, which was something that [Bond] also had in common with Inquisitor Hrnarah.
As the movie played on, Bgrarh began to pick up on why [Oscar] suggested [Bond]. Whenever the man entered a room, whether it be a casino, a denpile, or a prison cell, [Bond] acted as if he owned that room.
Bgrarh stood and began walking about, picturing himself as a well-dressed secret agent who'd entered a dance competition as cover for some covert assignment...which honestly wasn't that far from the truth. As he did so, his nervousness about the upcoming performance began to fade and he knew he'd found the right personality to emulate.
Of course, there were certain things that Bgrarh was not going to emulate. He wasn't an expert on [human] mating customs, but he was pretty sure it wasn't proper to kiss [human] women without their consent.
Bgrarh chuckled. If he tried kissing the Captain without permission she'd bite his head off. Although now that he thought about it, the idea of kissing her with permission was very appealing. She was quite a handsome woman, after all. Yes, she was the pack leader and thus couldn't play favorites...but she was also a Dorarizin with needs.
Besides, Bgrarh knew his time of 'season' was approaching. Maybe this what the [humans] called a golden opportunity?
In one corner of the hangar deck, two long and sinewy bodies coiled about each other. Each of them held a long needle-like sword in one hand, with the other clamped to their opponent's weapon-arm. There was much pained grunting as each strained to be the first to stab. Finally one of them managed to wrest her sword-arm free with a triumphant shout.
With that line Hrathra'sstah lunged forward as her prop sword did its job and buried its holographic blade deep into Resh'skk's chest. The ex-soldier clutched at the sword-hilt sticking out of his chest (which kept it from falling off), then groaned and toppled backward. His own weapon fell to the deck with a clatter.
"" he gasped in mock agony. ""
With a wordless scream, Hrathra leaped onto him and pushed with both her hands at the pommel of the fake sword hilt, acting as if she was driving the nonexistent blade deeper into his chest. At that cue Resh'skk bit down on the capsule hidden in his cheek, then let a little emerald-hued stage blood trickle out of the corner of his mouth.
He gave another groan of pain. "" he said in a stage whisper. Then Resh'skk slumped flat on the deck, staring off sightlessly into space.
After a beat, there was the sound of two small pairs of hands slapping together. It was a gesture of appreciation that Jornissians performed as well, and the sound made Resh'skk feel better about this whole nonsense.
"[Bravo!]" called [Maria].
"[Yeah, that was awesome!]" added [Oscar].
Resh'skk stopped playing dead and picked his hood up off of the deck. ""
"" said Hrathra'sstah. She still lay sprawled on top of him in a position that he would have enjoyed in other circumstances.
Hrathra'sstah pressed a finger to his lips. ""
"[And the villain always has to give a big monologue when they die!]" said [Maria]. "[It's a tradition even in [human] drama.]"
"" Resh'skk made as if to get up, but Hrathra didn't budge from her perch on top of him. He felt her tail-tip coil about his own. Ordinarily, Jornissians were a little less fussy about touching tails; it was just a consequence of their body type. But this was a more familiar gesture, one that close friends engaged in.
He glanced over and saw the two humans bumbling off. [Maria] had her hand on [Oscar's] arm as she steered him away from the Jornissians. His [human] friend had clearly picked up on the opportunity and was giving him the private space.
Resh'skk turned his head back to look up into Hrathra's red, gleaming eyes. His old fears returned. How could someone so smart and capable find anything of value in a broken down ex-thug like himself? But he had to try. He'd faced down pirates trying to carve out his intestines, he could face down this.
She raised one corner of her hood. "" But she did pick herself up off of him. Resh'skk rose, coiling his lower half below him in the Jornissian version of parade rest. He clasped his hands before him, while Hrathra'sstah folded her arms.
"" she asked.
Her arms dropped to her sides as she stared at him in shock. ""
Resh'ssk nodded. ""
Her next words struck him to the heart, an icy feeling far crueler than any stab.
Not a trace of his inner pain showed on his face as his clasped hands clenched ever so slightly tighter. ""
Hrathra cut him off with waving hands. "" She slithered back and forth in front of him as her gesticulating grew ever more dramatic. ""
Now it was his turn to interrupt her with a gentle finger to her lips. ""
There was one long moment of mutual staring, then she lunged for him again in an attack that he accepted with literal open arms.
What with their long and muscled bodies, Jornissians are the gold-medal winners of the four Senate species when it comes to dealing out hugs. With these two Jornissians doing their very best to embrace each other, and on top of that doing their very best to kiss each other into oblivion, the resulting tangle was something that would make even Escher throw up his hands.
In the middle of Resh'ssk's bliss, he heard again the sound of a human applauding. He peered to the side and saw [Maria's] grinning face. The [human] stood just out of easy tail-slap range.
After a little bit of complicated tongue-de-tangling, Hrathra'sstah turned her head as well to regard her protege. "<[Maria]?>"
"[Yeah, boss?]"
"[You got it, boss.]" [Maria] gave a wink to Resh'skk before strolling away. At any other time he would have found the little alien's cockiness infuriating, but right now he was too happy to be angry. He clasped Hrathra anew to himself and kissed her snout.
"" he asked.
Hrathra'sstah rubbed her hood against his neck. "" She grinned up at him. ""
The sunlight fell like a velvet hammer onto Oscar as he stepped down from the shuttle. He felt sweat begin to pop out on his forehead, and wondered if his furred crewmates would suffer even more. He supposed that the heat made sense, given that a Jornissian owned this planet.
In front of the shuttle was a wedge-shaped formation of Dorarizin wearing full armor. Oscar had seen the pictures during the one time any Dorarizin set foot on Earth. Princess Gwe-Zgranzre-of-Ngrul's honor guard had been almost as armored-up as these guys. But where their armor had been brightly colored and ornate, this armor was sleek and functional.
The armor's visual effect was to turn the already-impressive figure of your average Dorarizin into what looked like a walking tank. The sleek, ovoid, and featureless chrome helmets of the retinue tilted down as one while they regarded Oscar. After a moment, the lead Dorarizin's helmet hinged up to reveal a white-furred face with deep purple eyes. He looked at Oscar for a few seconds, then over at the sphere of Junior which hovered next to the human's shoulder.
Oscar heard the noise behind him as the rest of the crew disembarked from the shuttle. He smiled as he tried his best to keep his heartrate down. Myyreh was at his back, but asking her to take out a werewolf in power armor would be too much even for her.
"Howdy, folks!" Oscar pointed at the lead Dorarizin's armored chest. "Um, are you expecting trouble?"
The lead Dorarizin smiled in response, showing a lot more teeth. "[Not at all. I know it looks like [overkill], but we have certain security protocols that have to be followed for all visitors. I'm Nerlharg-of-Aergh.]"
Oscar settled for a bow in lieu of shaking hands. "Oliver Ward, pleased to meetcha."
"[Likewise.]" Nerlharg looked up at the others. "[I bid you all welcome. Please, follow me. His Excellency was very insistent that he meet your group right away.]"
Oscar slung his bag over his shoulder. The concrete of the landing pad let to a loose gravel pathway lined with tall greenery which was nothing like trees. There was a clear lack of bark, plus the leaves had an odd earth-brown tinge to them. The plants did provide a good amount of shade, however, which gave Oscar some relief from the heat. Further inspection revealed a few tall rod-like structures scattered here and there among the growth; these rods emitted a fine mist of water which drifted over the pathway and provided further cooling.
Nerlharg noticed Oscar's inspection. "[His Excellency's species is better built to withstand heat, but he provides for his subjects.]"
"He sure does," replied Oscar. "I already get enough grief from my non-human comrades about my water usage, so I don't want to be sweating more than I need to."
Nerlharg gave his species' bone-buzzsaw version of a chuckle, but didn't otherwise comment.
The procession crested a rise, and Oscar saw a few buildings ahead. The architecture gave the impression of a high-tech Aztec city, with multiple stepped pyramids situated along either side of the central promenade. A profusion of more greenery overhung each 'step' on the buildings. Oscar wondered if this was proper Jornissian architecture or if Sssnnathor just had a thing for pyramids.
The prominade led forward to the largest pyramid by far, a huge building that rivaled that of any Egyptian tomb. A sloping ramp led up to an entrance that one could sling a starship through. The scale was such that even the giants around him looked small as they passed underneath that over-sized arch.
Oscar wondered about the point of such overkill. Was it to show off Ssssnnathor's wealth and power? The entire planet was proof of that. Perhaps it was more of a subtle warning to any who entered, a way to say 'however big you think you are, you're in the house of someone far more important'.
Whatever the reason for the grand entryway, the pyramid's interior space was even more grand. The walls were clad in white marble with gold trim; they followed the slope of the exterior, with a spiral ramp leading up towards the apex far above. More green vines hung from the edges of the ramp, giving the whole space the air of a slightly less tacky Las Vegas casino. Three large snake-like figures waited in the center of the space in front of a long table piled high with various dishes.
The middle Jornissian could only be Sssnnathor. Oscar half expected him to be clad in some sort of outrageous Ming-The-Merciless getup, but instead he wore a sober-looking 'suit' the hue of sun-bleached bone. The white color contrasted well with his black-and-blue scale pattern.
Sssnnathor's face was split in a wide smile, and he had his arms outstretched in welcome. The guards on either side, however, looked much less friendly, what with their armor. A normal Jornissian 'exo-suit' made them look like a long dakimakura-style pillow. But these guys were all hard edges and armor plating, fitting well with the look of the crew's Dorarizin escort.
Each Jornissian bodyguard cradled a massive rifle casually in one hand; Oscar figured he just might be able to pick one of them up if he used both hands and all his strength.
Sssnnathor's purr-hiss boomed over them all. "[Welcome! You are a pleasant surprise.]" He slithered forward, his silver eyes fixed on Oscar. The tyrant glanced over at Junior as he approached, and stopped at a respectful distance as he lowered himself to look the human in the eye.
"[I apologize for staring, but this is my first time seeing one of your kind,]" said Sssnnathor.
"No problem, Mr. Snape. I'm Oliver Ward." There was no way in hell Oscar was going to get anywhere near the strangled hiss-purr of Sssnnathor's true name. He hoped that the translator matrix was doing its job.
After another moment of fascinated staring, Sssnnathor nodded and rose higher. He gestured towards the table behind him. "[Please, eat and be welcome.]"
After the (fake-name) introductions and hand-shaking, Captain Rgrarshok found herself munching on a bit of grilled glrnada while inside she wondered if this had been the right course of action. Her unease wasn't helped by the fact that Sssnnathor was parked at her right elbow with a calculating smile.
"[It's always nice to have new entertainment, Captain Rgratz,]" said the tyrant. "[But I can't help but wonder why you chose to bless us with your presence. With two [humans] in your company you would have the pick of engagements, yet you come to an out-of-Senate-space backwater like this.]"
Rgrarshok swallowed her mouthful as she prepped the cover story they'd cooked up. "{This is hardly a backwater, but it's true we could name our price. If I'm honest, Excellency, we're not exactly welcome in Senate space at the moment. And it has to do with the [humans].}"
Sssnnathor tilted his hood in curiosity. "[Oh, really?]" He turned to regard the two [humans], who naturally tended to stick together and now conversed in low tones while getting covertly studied by every other person in the pyramid. "[You didn't kidnap them, I hope?]"
Rgrarshok laughed. "{Far from it. Their placement on our crew was done through legal channels...except for the fact that we submitted two applications, under two different names. My XO cooked up the scheme, and I agreed. We thought it would give us a better chance of success.}"
Sssnnathor hissed a laugh of his own. "[I suppose it makes sense from a mathematical viewpoint. After all, the odds of getting a [human] are astronomical enough as it is. Let me guess...both applications were awarded?]"
The Captain gave a weary nod and a sigh. "{The first one was a moment of utter joy for us. [Oliver] was a wonderful addition to our crew, we were so happy...and then we got word of [Masie] coming to join us. I can't tell you how much dancing we had to do so that the auditors never caught the scent that we already had another [human] on board. But we managed it, somehow. Only then to realize we were faced with quite a conundrum.}"
"[Namely, if you performed in Senate space the odds were good that the placement program auditors would find out about your [double-dipping]. Hmm, well I suppose your embarrassment of riches is also our good fortune. Otherwise it might have been centuries before my poor little planet was able to host a [human].]"
Rgrarshok performed a slight bow. "{With your kind permission, we plan to perform many times on your planet. Of course, we'll also provide you with a free private performance if desired.}"
Sssnnathor tapped a finger against his chin. "[Hmm, I don't think a private performance is necessary. I do have a gala planned in three [days] time, one where I will show off my latest acquisition. Would you do me the honor of performing there?]"
"{We'd be happy to.}"
Ngralh-of-Arzgar strolled through the sunlit bazaar. He had his paws clasped behind his back in a casual manner, but his eyes never stopped moving. Ngralh was enough of a student of history to know of the primitive conditions his species had once lived under, that era far back in the mists of time when they'd been bound to one planet.
His surroundings were not that primitive, but this was about as 'squalid' as one could get in a star-spanning civlization. The booths around him were formed of cheap and flimsy plastic, tinted with a hodgepodge of colors that stated louder than words that they'd been formed from castoff pieces. The wares emphasized hand-made tools and clothing, things that were just a little nicer than what one could get while on the dole.
The air was filled with the scent of grilling meat, something else that one couldn't get while on basic income. While the smell made his mouth water a little, he was going to have to give the food-sellers a pass. Dorarizin had pretty hardy metabolisms, but there was no need to risk food poisoning.
Due to the meeting with Sssnnathor, their investigation was now two-fold. First was the hunt for the 'Silken Feather', as they'd planned. But second was an attempt to find out exactly what the tyrant's 'latest acquisition' really was. Had the thief gone ahead and sold the Claw to him?
Either way, his job was to work towards the former goal. To that end, he was looking for someone to press ever-so-gently for information.
"[A pretty scarf for your lady friend, good sir?]" The chirping voice came from a hunched-over Karnakian who presided over a rainbow-colored waterfall of fabric. Ngralh gave her a cordial nod as he stopped strolling to look over her selection. Hmmm, that purple number might look good on Egwreh.
"{How much for this one?}" In the haggling that followed he allowed the seller to get a better deal than usual, figuring that this would put her in a better frame of mind for questioning.
"[Would there be anything else, sir?]" asked the Karnakian after he'd bought two.
"{Is this the only market around? I have some colleagues who might be interested in larger items.}"
"[This is the largest market in the capital, sir.]" She leaned forward as her crest rose. "[You're with the entertainers who just arrived, yes? The ones with the [humans]?]"
"{That's right. I'm surprised word's spread this fast.}"
"[There's always interest when [humans] are involved, good sir.]"
"{I understand. Do you get many off-world visitors? We're trying to determine how much new audience turnover we can expect.}"
"[A few every [month] or so. This planet is very welcoming to all, no matter their past.]"
Ngralh gave an embarrassed click. "{How, er, segregated is it around here? I only ask because some multi-species colonies can be rough; the locals can take it the wrong way if one goes walking through another species' section of town.}"
The seller waved one casual wing-arm. "[Oh, there's no such problems around here but I would be careful, since do have some minor criminals wandering about. The various races tend to cluster together to take advantage of any species-specific infrastructure such as plumbing requirements.]"
He smiled at her and gave a bob of his head to simulate a Karnakian farewell. "[Thanks, you've been very kind.]"
Thanks to a few more generous purchases and pointed questions, Ngralh found the Karnakian portion of town. If the "Silken Feather" was in civilization, chances are it was somewhere around here. It would be far easier for her to keep track of incoming and outgoing ships, plus she'd have a handy population of raptors to get lost in.
For sure she'd be wearing a disguise. Instead of scanning each individual Karnakian that passed, Ngralh set his implant to ping him if it detected anyone matching the body proportions of their quarry.
He spent another hour walking among the Karnakians, trying to look like nothing more than a ship-bound crew member anxious to stretch his legs. His scans of the crowd turned up empty, and after a while he started to wish somebody would try to mug him. At least it would break up the monotony.
Ngralh turned down a narrow and deserted alley with walls formed of the same cheap plastic sheeting used for the market booths. He'd made it halfway down when two feathered forms suddenly blocked the far end. He stopped and glanced over his shoulder...sure enough, two more blocked the way he'd came.
The front and rear pairs of Karnakians began to close in with slow menace towards him.
"[Four against one, furball,]" said one of them. "[Not good odds. Now why don't you just hand over everything in your pockets and we'll call it good, eh?]"
Ngralh shifted his weight so that he was balanced on his toes, then extended his claws. While he might not be death-on-foot like Myyreh, he was still an experienced peace officer. That fact evened the odds more than they realized. Once he'd given these guys a good thrashing, he could lean on them for some more detailed information. His ears swiveled back as he tracked the sounds of the two behind him. They'd probably rush him first, and so he kept his back invitingly open...
A strangled chirp-roar sounded from behind him. He spun himself sideways, careful to keep the front two in his peripheral vision. Both of the Karnakians behind him sprawled twitching on the ground, each wreathed in blue electric sparks. As he took in the sight there was a blur of motion behind to the other two...
They didn't even manage a sound before they too were down and out of any possible fight. Ngralh turned carefully back to face his would-be rescuer, a green-feathered Karnakian with a yellow band around her neck.
The Silken Feather.
She stood just out of easy leaping range. The thief had never laid eyes on Ngralh during her call to the Furious Call of Inquiry, so he figured he'd play ignorant and try to lure her closer. "{You have my thanks, friend. I don't have any money on me, but if you'll follow me back to my ship I'm sure my Captain would be happy to reward you.}"
The thief snorted. "[No games, friend. You know who I am and I know who you are. A mixed-race crew who also happen to have [humans] on board, showing up in a conveniently quick manner after I placed that call? The odds of that are astronomical. I guess you tracked me after all.]"
Ngralh took in a deep, irritated breath and then relaxed. "{All right.}" He glanced again at the sprawled, shuddering bodies around him. "{You still have my thanks.}"
"[Oh, it's my pleasure I assure you. I can't allow any of our brave Senate investigators to get hurt in the line of duty, now can I?]"
The XO chuckled. "{I wasn't in that much danger. So. How easy do you want to make this? I can tell you right now the Captain is not going to allow any sale.]"
"[I would reply that it's not up to her, is it? I think the Matriarchs' opinions would carry greater weight in this case. In any case, just know that I know that you're here and that I'm watching you. I'll be in contact soon to set up the sale. Do you still have that Galnet node of mine?]"
"{Of course. It's evidence.}"
She grinned wide. "[Of course. You police must always play by the rules, eh? I'm rather surprised you don't try to tackle me right here and now.]"
Ngralh tapped the side of his nose. "{It wouldn't do any good. I smell nothing but these four bozos, which tells me I'm talking to a hard-light hologram.}"
The Silken Feather bowed her head. "[Excellent, it's always a pleasure to deal with competent adversaries. I bid you a good day, sir.]"
The green-and-yellow Karnakian vanished, leaving a small metal sphere hovering in the alleyway. The drone fizzed while its internals fried, then fell to the ground with a small thud.
Ngralh blew out a breath that any onlooker would have taken as one of frustration. But then he smiled and touched his ear. "{Egwreh, Myyreh, you're up.}"
The Silken Feather maneuvered down a neighboring alley, looking behind her constantly. It had been a risk to expose herself, but the chance to show these silly police that she was on top of things was too delicious to pass up. The following negotiations would have to be done with great delicacy; she had to conceal the fact that she no longer had the Claw, while keeping in reserve her knowledge of Sssnnathor's covert activities. The latter should act as insurance in the case that she wasn't able to retrieve the Claw.
And she would retrieve that which she'd rightfully stolen. Sssnnathor was not omnipotent, and her audacity would act as a shield. The aged fool would never imagine that she'd be bold enough to try breaking into his main palace. As her mind whirled, she peered around the corner and scanned her surroundings on instinct. She saw nothing, and so she continued on her way.
The Silken Feather trotted along while plotting and was still feeling quite pleased with herself when Myrreh-of-Relgreh's fist came out of thin air and connected solidly with her jaw.
The Silken Feather came to and almost on reflex reached out mentally with her implant to trigger the protective mode of her clothing. All she received was the lurch of an unsuccessful connection, which then made her realize she wasn't wearing her own clothes anymore. All she had was a simple shift made of plain fabric to protect her modesty. Locked tight around her feathered body was a cage of hard-light which allowed her to breathe comfortably...and that was about it for any movement she could perform.
As the Silken Feather blinked and shook her snout, a warbling voice intruded into her aching head.
"[Ah, you're finally awake! Sorry about taking liberties with your person, but you had way too many little goodies hidden in your clothes. We couldn't let you keep them.]"
The voice came from a small figure standing in front of her. Behind that alien was a much bigger form that she recognized as Captain Rgrarshok. The huge Dorarizin stood with folded arms and a steady, unblinking expression that was somehow more fearsome than a snarl.
The Silken Feather focused all four eyes on the small alien in front of her. It was the first time she'd laid eyes on a [human], and for a moment she stared in wonder. As all the reports said, the little-needs-protecting had a soul filled with starlight, almost like a hatchling's but much more complex.
Then her discipline reasserted itself as she took quick stock of her surroundings. She was pinned in the middle of what looked like a hangar deck of some sort. That meant she was in space and surrounded by enemies. Not to mention tied up and completely unarmed. It was a bad situation, but she'd been in worse. The most important thing for now was to appear as if she'd given up.
The Silken Feather smiled ruefully. "|I congratulate you on your plan. It was masterfully done.|"
The [human] shrugged. "[We got lucky. We didn't know if you'd realize that we were the Senate team, but we had [Ngralh] followed just in case you followed him. You didn't just follow, you actually made contact. [Ngralh] sends his regards, by the way, and thanks you again for your help.]"
The thief slumped in her bonds. "|It was my pleasure.|" She stared up at the Captain. "|Shall we make a deal, or are you just going to skip right to the torturing?|"
Rgrarshok grinned. "[Your interrogation will begin now. Go ahead, [Oscar].]"
The computer-generated cage around The Silken Feather shifted, moving her arms apart and exposing more of her keeled chest. She felt a moment of panic as the [human] wobbled towards her. Was he going to pull out a knife and start cutting on her?
The Silken Feather's shift didn't quite cover the front fluff of her chest, and as he reached her [Oscar] pushed aside some of the fabric to expose more feathers. The somewhat intimate act shocked her. She'd heard that [humans] would mate with just about anything, but surely he wouldn't resort to...that against her will?
Without a word, [Oscar] smashed himself face-first into her fluff like a nestling seeking warmth. The sensation created an automatic maternal response in The Silken Feather, causing her feathers to expand out.
"[Where's the Claw?]" asked Rgrarshok.
The thief tried to focus, but it was hard with a soft and warm little sapient doing his best to make a bed out of her chest fluff. "|Eh? Oh, that old thing? Who knows? Maybe I know, maybe I don't. You'll have to...oh...make it worth my while|"
"[Ah, you're expecting to make a deal with us?]"
The Silken Feather tried to focus, but [Oscar] was still squirming around against her chest. Her bound arms twitched...she wanted to hold the little alien in the worst way...
"|Wouldn't you, in my situation?|" she responded. "|After all, the [Claw's] location is the only bargaining chip I have right now. You must be mad if you think I'll give that up without at least an offer of amnesty.|"
{Oscar] let out a little warbling hum and reached out with both tiny hands to get a good grip on her chest fluff.
The act almost made The Silken Feather miss the Captain's next statement. "[And you must be mad if you think we'll let you go without having the Claw safe in our possession.]"
Any further strategy fled right out of her head. What was wrong with her? She was a ghost, a free soul, she was afraid of no one and wanted nothing more than lots of covert bank accounts stuffed full of credits. Now all that she could think of was the need to grasp this little being close to her, to build a nest and keep him safe and warm. The feeling was worse than any pain or injury.
"|I...well, that is...|" She shook herself and glared up at Rgrarshok. "|I have rights under Senate law! This treatment can't be legal!|"
Rgrarshok unsheathed a claw and held it up to her face. She inspected it closely as she spoke. "[What would you have to complain about? True, we have you bound at the moment but that is merely for our protection. Are we mistreating you in any way?]"
"|You know damn well what I mean...erg...can you tell him to stop squirming?|"
"[Tell him yourself.]"
The Silken Feather looked down at the little creature moving against her. "|I know what you're trying to do. It won't work.|"
"[What do you mean?]" asked [Oscar]. "[I'm tired and need a nap.]"
"|I just...please...|"
Rgrarshok chuckled. "[You know, if you wish to claim rights as a Senate citizen you'll need to tell us who you really are. It seems you've done quite an admirable job in throwing us off of your true scent.]"
The Silken Feather gritted her teeth. "|I will never tell you!|"
Rgrarshok waved her hand in a 'there it is' gesture. "[Then I guess you'll have to put up with [human] interaction. [Oscar], give me a call when you wake up and we'll continue.]" She started to lope away, only to be stopped by the Silken Feather's plea.
"|Please, no. I'll propose a deal. You release me and then I'll tell you where the Claw is.|"
"[You tell us where the Claw is and then we'll release you,]" replied the Captain.
The Silken Feather shook her crest. "|No. You can put an implant in me to track me if you like, but I won't tell you a thing until I'm out of your custody.|" She knew she was technically savvy enough to defeat any possible tracking they'd put in her, since they'd certainly try to capture her again after finding out the Claw was now in Sssnnathor's possession. After her release, she could then steal the Claw back from Sssnnathor as she'd planned. True, having the Senate team breathing on her tail would put a bit of a time constraint on things, but she was capable enough to pull it off.
[Oscar] abruptly let go of her floof and wobbled away back towards the Captain. "[She doesn't have the Claw. Not anymore.]"
Rgrarshok stroked a thoughtful claw along her chin. "[Agreed. She gave in far too easily.]"
"|What nonsense is this? Of course I have it! Not on me, obviously, but I have it stashed in a very safe location! One that you'll never discover unless I tell you. Release me and you can go get it yourself.|"
The pair of peace officers stared back at The Silken Feather for a moment.
"[If she'd sold it to [Sssnnathor], she would've been long gone with her money,]" said [Oscar].
"[True,]" replied Rgrarshok. "[So he must have found out somehow that she was here. The fact that she's alive means that he didn't get his claws on her directly. However he found out, the Claw is now in his custody.]" Her purple eyes stared steadily at The Silken Feather. [Isn't that right?]"
"|I'm not saying anything further,|" replied The Silken Feather. "|You may as well go ahead and torture me. Or whatever that was your [human] was doing.|"
[Oscar] gasped in mock horror. "[Me? Torture? No, I wouldn't dream of harming a single feather on your crest. But there are a few [Karnakians] on board whom you've wronged either directly or indirectly. I'm sure they'd be eager to...discuss...their grievances with you at great length.]"
"[Or we could just leave her tied up somewhere on the planet,]" said Rgarshok. "[Perhaps we should drop an anonymous note to [Sssnnathor] telling her where she is? Only in the interest of making sure she doesn't come to harm, of course.]"
"[Of course!]" said [Oscar].
The Silken Feather sagged once more, this time in real defeat. She had but one bit of leverage left to play. "|We can still make a deal for my release,|" she said.
"[With what information?]" asked Rgrarshok. "[If [Sssnnathor] has the Claw I'm sure you have no idea where he's hidden it. That's something we'll have to figure out.]" The Captain sighed. "[I'll bet this party of his is for showing off the Claw.]"
"[I'm not taking that bet,]" said [Oscar].
The thief shook her crest. "|I'm not talking about the Claw's location. I'm talking about [Sssnnathor] himself. He's up to something. Whatever it is involving cloning.|"
Rgrarshok placed a paw over her eyes. "[Of course he is. By the First Pack, I need a vacation.]"
submitted by Frank_Leroux to HFY [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Jan 1st - Tue, Jan 7th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


  • Devon Ice Rink (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 2nd The Devon Ice Rink returns for its ninth season in the Myriad Botanical Gardens this November through the beginning of…
  • Downtown in December (Downtown - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 2nd Spend your holidays experiencing fun activities as downtown Oklahoma City is turned into a winter wonderland during the…

Wednesday, Jan 1st

  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Chamber Ambassador Meeting (Del City Chamber of Commerce - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:30am
  • Downs Family Christmas Lights (Down's Family Christmas Light Ministry - Norman) Last Day The Downs Family Christmas Lights in Norman is one of the most spectacular light displays at a private residence in…
  • Edmond Electric's Luminance 2019 (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 5th The Second Annual Luminance is the a walk-thru holiday light display that will be open to the public from November 23 - January 5. This year, there will be 30 three dimensional displays for visitors to enjoy. Additionally, visitors can visit the adjacent Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Both attractions are made possible by Presenting Sponsor Edmond…
  • Edmond Electric's Luminance - An Enchanted Stroll (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Experience the joy of the holidays during Edmond Electric's Luminance - An Enchanted Stroll. This new walk-through…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Illuminations: Starry Starry Night (Crystal Bridge - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Immerse yourself in stunning light installations illuminating the night at the Crystal Bridge Conservatory in…
  • 🎡 LifeShare WinterFest (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jan 4th Start Time: 12:00pm Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark is being transformed into a Winter Wonderland! Don't miss out on all of the fun of sliding down the largest manmade slope in the region in a custom snow tube. Single session tickets are available for $14. Tickets are available for groups of 10 or more and are available to purchase in advance for $11 per person.…
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft. under clear,…

Thursday, Jan 2nd

  • Edmond Electric's Luminance 2019 (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 5th The Second Annual Luminance is the a walk-thru holiday light display that will be open to the public from November 23 - January 5. This year, there will be 30 three dimensional displays for visitors to enjoy. Additionally, visitors can visit the adjacent Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Both attractions are made possible by Presenting Sponsor Edmond…
  • Edmond Electric's Luminance - An Enchanted Stroll (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Experience the joy of the holidays during Edmond Electric's Luminance - An Enchanted Stroll. This new walk-through…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Illuminations: Starry Starry Night (Crystal Bridge - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Immerse yourself in stunning light installations illuminating the night at the Crystal Bridge Conservatory in…
  • 🎡 LifeShare WinterFest (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jan 4th Start Time: 12:00pm Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark is being transformed into a Winter Wonderland! Don't miss out on all of the fun of sliding down the largest manmade slope in the region in a custom snow tube. Single session tickets are available for $14. Tickets are available for groups of 10 or more and are available to purchase in advance for $11 per person.…
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft. under clear,…
  • 😂 Tony Tone (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jan 4th

Friday, Jan 3rd

  • DelQuest Committee Meeting (Don's Alley - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am
  • Edmond Electric's Luminance 2019 (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 5th The Second Annual Luminance is the a walk-thru holiday light display that will be open to the public from November 23 - January 5. This year, there will be 30 three dimensional displays for visitors to enjoy. Additionally, visitors can visit the adjacent Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Both attractions are made possible by Presenting Sponsor Edmond…
  • Edmond Electric's Luminance - An Enchanted Stroll (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Experience the joy of the holidays during Edmond Electric's Luminance - An Enchanted Stroll. This new walk-through…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Illuminations: Starry Starry Night (Crystal Bridge - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Immerse yourself in stunning light installations illuminating the night at the Crystal Bridge Conservatory in…
  • 🎡 LifeShare WinterFest (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 12:00pm Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark is being transformed into a Winter Wonderland! Don't miss out on all of the fun of sliding down the largest manmade slope in the region in a custom snow tube. Single session tickets are available for $14. Tickets are available for groups of 10 or more and are available to purchase in advance for $11 per person.…
  • 😂 Open Mic Night (Don Quixote Club - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Every Friday is Open Mic Comedy at Don Quixote's! Laugh with local talent as they hone their skills. Are you funny? Sign up at 7:30. See you this week!
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 5th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft. under clear,…
  • 🏃 Paseo First Friday Gallery Walk (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The First Friday gallery walk is held on the first Friday and Saturday of every month. The walk starts on Friday at 6pm and lasts until 10pm and on Saturday from 12pm to 5pm. Over 60 artists in more than 17 galleries participate, all within walking distance. Four to six Art Opening Receptions on Friday night showcase the new work of the…
  • 😂 Tony Tone (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left

Saturday, Jan 4th

  • 2019 Downs Family Christmas Lights (Down's Family Christmas Light Ministry - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Men's Basketball vs Central Missouri (Edmond) Start Time: 3:30pm University of Central Oklahoma Men's Basketball vs Central Missouri
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Women's Basketball vs Central Missouri (Edmond) Start Time: 1:30pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Basketball vs Central Missouri
  • Edmond Electric's Luminance 2019 (Mitch Park - Edmond) 1 day left The Second Annual Luminance is the a walk-thru holiday light display that will be open to the public from November 23 - January 5. This year, there will be 30 three dimensional displays for visitors to enjoy. Additionally, visitors can visit the adjacent Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Both attractions are made possible by Presenting Sponsor Edmond…
  • Edmond Electric's Luminance - An Enchanted Stroll (Mitch Park - Edmond) 1 day left Experience the joy of the holidays during Edmond Electric's Luminance - An Enchanted Stroll. This new walk-through…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Illuminations: Starry Starry Night (Crystal Bridge - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Immerse yourself in stunning light installations illuminating the night at the Crystal Bridge Conservatory in…
  • 🏆 Learn to Curl at Devon Ice Rink at Myriad Gardens (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Bring your family and friends and join Oklahoma Curling Club members as they walk through the etiquette and rules of curling. Dress warm, wear rubber soled shoes, and prepare for a fun morning on the ice. All other equipment will be provided. Book now before it sells out! Saturdays, 9am-10:30am November 23 December 7, December 21 January 4, and…
  • 🎡 LifeShare WinterFest (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 12:00pm Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark is being transformed into a Winter Wonderland! Don't miss out on all of the fun of sliding down the largest manmade slope in the region in a custom snow tube. Single session tickets are available for $14. Tickets are available for groups of 10 or more and are available to purchase in advance for $11 per person.…
  • 🎓 Managing Stress and Raja Yoga Meditation- a day course (Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm Taking time out has always been a vital part of improving the quality of life, refreshing our understanding of events and re-charging the spirit. A day Retreat is an opportunity to step off the conveyor belt of life and spend time in a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere, reflecting upon and exploring the important factors governing our…
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) 1 day left Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft. under clear,…
  • Teen Library Council (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 10:00am TLC is a group of teenage volunteers. Our purpose is to create teen library events that appeal to Guthrie teenagers. If you are interested in joining, please register to be a member of TLC at the library Circulation Desk. ChooseGuthrie The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government Real Talk Around Guthrie Guthrie Chamber of Commerce
  • 😂 Tony Tone (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Travis LeDoyt (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Travis LeDoyt is known as “the world’s best” at portraying young Elvis Presley in his prime in the 50s and 60s. His uncanny resemblance to the “King of Rock and Roll” has audiences gasping when he takes the stage. Once he begins to sing and dance, fans are truly captivated by the authenticity of LeDoyt’s performance, even garnering…
  • Vox Squadron (Red Brick Bar - Norman) Start Time: 10:00pm The Vox Squadron returns to our home away from home at the Red Brick Bar in Norman. We are celebrating the release of our sophomore record "Oklahoma Skies" recorded at Sun Studio in Memphis. We absolutely love playing there and can't wait to come back!

Sunday, Jan 5th

  • Edmond Electric's Luminance 2019 (Mitch Park - Edmond) Last Day The Second Annual Luminance is the a walk-thru holiday light display that will be open to the public from November 23 - January 5. This year, there will be 30 three dimensional displays for visitors to enjoy. Additionally, visitors can visit the adjacent Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Both attractions are made possible by Presenting Sponsor Edmond…
  • Edmond Electric's Luminance - An Enchanted Stroll (Mitch Park - Edmond) Last Day Experience the joy of the holidays during Edmond Electric's Luminance - An Enchanted Stroll. This new walk-through…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Last Day Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Illuminations: Starry Starry Night (Crystal Bridge - Oklahoma City) Last Day Immerse yourself in stunning light installations illuminating the night at the Crystal Bridge Conservatory in…
  • 🎨 Okie Show Show Season 4 Launch Party (The Paramount OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Come celebrate the premiere of Okie Show Show's season 4! Featuring drink specials, games, and a Q&A with the podcast hosts and writer's team. Then stick around after for the Paramount Room's weekly open mic.
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Last Day Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft. under clear,…
  • Vanilla Sugar (Red Brick Bar - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm Free Show! More Bands TBA

Monday, Jan 6th

  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Men's Basketball vs Lincoln (Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm University of Central Oklahoma Men's Basketball vs Lincoln
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Women's Basketball vs Lincoln (Edmond) Start Time: 5:30pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Basketball vs Lincoln
  • 🎭 Hoops with Hooplahoma! (Norman Public Library - Norman) In this interactive program, Chelsea of Hooplahoma teaches kids things like spatial awareness and coordination through creative play with hoops! This presentation also emphasizes the value of practice, being okay with making mistakes, and persistence through failure. Chelsea will also give an inspiring circus performance that is sure to amaze…
  • 🎓 Oklahoma Hospitality Club (Gaillardia Country Club - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm Celebrating 95 Years of Service and Philanthropy. Accepting new members!!!! Contact: [email protected]
  • 🏆 WWE Monday Night Raw (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Sale Dates and Times: Public Onsale : Fri, 8 Nov 2019 at 10:00 AM OKC Thunder Tuesday Presale : Tue, 5 Nov 2019 at 10:00 AM WWE Package Presale : Tue, 5 Nov 2019 at 10:00 AM Me + 3 Promotional Offer : Mon, 11 Nov 2019 at 10:00 AM Venue/Radio Presale Offers : Wed, 6 Nov 2019 at 10:00 AM WWE Package Onsale : Fri, 8 Nov 2019 at 10:00 AM Platinum…

Tuesday, Jan 7th

  • 🎨 Oklahoma City Blue vs. Austin Spurs (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Sale Dates and Times: Public Onsale : Thu, 3 Oct 2019 at 10:00 AM
  • 🎓 Botanical Balance FREE YOGA (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by Fowler Toyota, sponsored by Tinker Federal Credit Union and Stephenson Cancer Center Tuesdays 6 pm and Saturdays, 8 am Bring a mat, water Instructors from YMCA Recommended for ages 16&Up
    Practicing yoga in the Gardens has the added benefit of connecting you with nature. The Gardens offer a space of beauty and tranquility to help…
  • 🏆 Tuesday Pool Tournament (Red Brick Bar - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Pool Tournament $10.00 Buy In 7pm Sign In 8pm Start 21 To Enter, ID Required
  • Women and Bladder Control (Edmond Senior Center - Edmond) Start Time: 10:00am Malarie Jackson, APRN-CNP and Michelle Wild, Crossway Medical Clinic, will discuss the myth that women have to just live with the disruptive and often embarrassing symptoms of urinary incontinence .They will also discuss the causes and treatment options to restore an active lifestyle and overall quality of life.

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Dec 19th - Tue, Dec 25th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


  • BEYOND (Factory Obscura - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 6th Join the creatives behind the Oklahoma City art collective Factory Obscura for a fully-immersive, experiential art…
  • Christmas in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Yukon's Christmas in the Park offers a beautiful lighted drive through three interconnecting parks. Yukon's Chisholm…
  • Devon Ice Rink (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 27th The Devon Ice Rink returns for another magical season in the Myriad Botanical Gardens this November through the end of…
  • Downs Family Christmas Lights (Down's Family Christmas Light Ministry - Norman) Thru Tue, Jan 1st The Downs Family Christmas Lights in Norman is one of the most spectacular light displays at a private residence in…
  • Downtown in December (Downtown - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 27th Downtown in December presented by Devon, is a series of holiday events and attractions in the heart of Oklahoma City.…
  • Chickasha Festival of Light (Shannon Springs Park - Chickasha) Thru Mon, Dec 31st The Chickasha Festival of Light has been recognized as one of the top ten holiday light shows in the nation…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 6th Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Midwest City Holiday Lights Spectacular (Joe B. Barnes Regional Park - Midwest City) Thru Tue, Dec 25th Celebrate the magic of the season as over one million lights transform Joe B. Barnes Regional Park into a twinkling winter…
  • Lights From the Heart (Purcell Lake - Purcell) Thru Tue, Jan 1st Set your gaze upon a holiday wonderland at Lights From the Heart in Purcell. On this 1.5-mile drive around Purcell Lake…
  • Limo Holiday Lights Tours (Citywide - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Schedule a two-hour tour of the city's most spectacular holiday lights via limo, and enjoy a smooth ride past vibrant…
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 6th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft. under clear,…

Wednesday, Dec 19th

  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Dec 21st Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • 🎨 ArtNow 2019 Exhibition (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Dec 21st Start Time: 9:00am ArtNow is Oklahoma Contemporary's annual exhibition of Oklahoma-based contemporary artists. It closes with art sale — the first big party of the year with cocktails, tastemakers and the opportunity to purchase one-of-a-kind works. Proceeds help keep Oklahoma Contemporary exhibitions open free of charge, year-round. The 2019 edition introduces…
  • 🎨 Ceramics Sale/Contemporary Clay (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Dec 21st Start Time: 9:00am Oklahoma Contemporary’s Ceramics Sale is an annual tradition and fundraising event that showcases an array of work by our instructors and students. All objects are available for purchase and proceeds from sales support the Ceramics program and the acquisition of new equipment and supplies for the Ceramics Studio.
    This year’s sale will also…
  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 24th A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • Christmas Express (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 22nd Get in the holiday spirit with a festive ride on the Christmas Express. Board this Oklahoma City train to make holiday…
  • December Drop-Ins (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Dec 21st Start Time: 10:00am December 19, 20 & 21, 10am-Noon Member $4; Nonmember $5 Best for ages 6 to 10 Kids will discover the beauty and fun nature has to offer even during the winter. Join us each day with story time every 30 minutes, holiday ornament or gift making and interactive education. Every day has a different theme and craft.
  • 🏆 Dreaming of a Green Christmas (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 5:00pm Remington Park brings back a holiday favorite as guests have the opportunity to win up to $1,000 Cash from December 17 thru 21 in the Green Christmas...
  • Dungeons & Dragons (Edmond Unplugged - Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm A City on the Edge with Ashley King No Cost Beginners and experienced players welcome Pre-made characters will be available No outside food and drink, food and drink available within the store
  • Holiday Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Venture over to Midtown in Oklahoma City during the winter holidays, and gaze in wonder at the geodesic dome city overtaking…
  • 🎓 ILLUMINATIONS: A Northern Lights Experience in the Crystal Bridge Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by OGE Energy Corp. November 23 – January 2 Evenings Enjoy a new take on holiday lighting inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory beginning November 23 through January 2nd. Professional designers using the latest lighting technology are taking our holiday display to the next level, beyond strings of lights. Bring your…
  • It's a Wonderful Life (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Get in the Christmas spirit with the enchanting performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”…
  • Jingle Bell Jam (Boathouse District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm 5:30pm: Food Truck starts serving it up. 7:00pm: Fiery fiddling begins. Come enjoy a fun festive evening of fiery fiddling with the Oklahoma River as the backdrop in the cozy indoors of the CHK|Central Boathouse while savoring the yummy cuisine of I Don't Know I Don't Care, along with an assortment of local beer and wine. "I've never seen…
  • Joel Forlenza 'The Piano Man' (Othello's of Norman - Norman) Start Time: 5:30pm
  • Live Music- Mike Hosty (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • The Nutcracker (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Oklahoma City Ballet presents: "The Nutcracker" is a special performance the whole family will love. Share the…
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Dec 21st Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23. Make your reservation today!
  • Steve Earle & the Dukes in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Don’t miss the legendary Steve Earle as he and The Dukes take over Oklahoma City’s Tower Theatre for a special…
  • Story Time Christmas Party (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 10:30am (Ages 0-5): Enjoy stories, songs, rhymes, crafts and more! Please RSVP. Text @guthriel to 81010 for friendly reminders. Please RSVP for this event. To...
  • A Territorial Christmas Celebration (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Step back in time at A Territorial Christmas Celebration in Guthrie with a live theatre production, historic home tours,…
  • 😂 Tim Gaither (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 22nd
  • 🏆 UConn Huskies Womens Basketball at Oklahoma Sooners Womens Basketball (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • 🏆 Wednesday Game Night (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Play the games you love for jackpots and then play more games you love for Extra Cash & Prizes on Game Night at Remington Park, every Wednesday! Starting at 6pm on Wednesday nights at Remington Park, just make sure to use your Club Remington Card as you play in the casino. Doing so may get you selected via hot seat drawings to make Free Spins,…
  • Winter Break Drop-In Activities (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Dec 21st Start Time: 10:00am December 17 – 24 and December 26 - 31 Winter Break Drop-In Activities 10:00 a.m. ­– 2:00 p.m.; Sunday Noon – 2:00 p.m. Various Museum Locations It is Winter Break across Oklahoma! Load up the family and explore the Museum using family friendly Museum Quests to visit the galleries and Prosperity Junction, the Museum’s turn-of-the-century…
  • Kingfisher Winter Nights (Kingifhser City Park - Kingfisher) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Millions of lights are setting historic Kingfisher Park ablaze in the city of Kingfisher. Every evening from November…

Thursday, Dec 20th

  • Alzheimer Support Group Meeting (Willowood at Mustang Assisted Living Center - Mustang) Start Time: 6:00pm Willowood at Mustang provides a monthly support group meeting every third Thursday from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm where we get together and support each other. We discuss the challenges and struggles each of us experience and try to come up with ways to encourage and assist those who are in need. The class is lead by Carolyn Spears who is certified to…
  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • 🎨 ArtNow 2019 Exhibition (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am ArtNow is Oklahoma Contemporary's annual exhibition of Oklahoma-based contemporary artists. It closes with art sale — the first big party of the year with cocktails, tastemakers and the opportunity to purchase one-of-a-kind works. Proceeds help keep Oklahoma Contemporary exhibitions open free of charge, year-round. The 2019 edition introduces…
  • Bryce & Bethany Merritt: Christmas with the Mrs. (UCO Jazz Lab - Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm Come join us for the 4th annual Christmas with the Mrs. hometown shows! 2 back-to-back nights, Thursday, Dec. 20th and Friday, Dec. 21st at the UCO Jazz...
  • 🎨 Ceramics Sale/Contemporary Clay (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am Oklahoma Contemporary’s Ceramics Sale is an annual tradition and fundraising event that showcases an array of work by our instructors and students. All objects are available for purchase and proceeds from sales support the Ceramics program and the acquisition of new equipment and supplies for the Ceramics Studio.
    This year’s sale will also…
  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 24th A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • Christmas Express (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 22nd Get in the holiday spirit with a festive ride on the Christmas Express. Board this Oklahoma City train to make holiday…
  • 🎭 The Comedy, Magic & Mentalism of Max Krause (Max's Magic Theatre - OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:45pm Ages 5+
  • 🎭 The Comedy, Magic & Mentalism of Max Krause 13+ (Max's Magic Theatre - OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:15pm 13+ Ages
  • December Drop-Ins (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am December 19, 20 & 21, 10am-Noon Member $4; Nonmember $5 Best for ages 6 to 10 Kids will discover the beauty and fun nature has to offer even during the winter. Join us each day with story time every 30 minutes, holiday ornament or gift making and interactive education. Every day has a different theme and craft.
  • Highway 66 (Red Brick Bar - Norman) Start Time: 9:00pm Classic Rock trio Highway 66 will bring their stamp on classic rock and roll. Tunes from the 60' through 80's. Come for the cold beer, stay for the tunes!
  • Holiday Meals for Pick-up (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am Leave the cooking to us this holiday season with savory menus for pick-up for Christmas. Whether you don’t have time to cook this year or want to try...
  • Holiday Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Venture over to Midtown in Oklahoma City during the winter holidays, and gaze in wonder at the geodesic dome city overtaking…
  • 🎨 I Believe - Kids Polar Express Painting Class (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm All aboard! Join Wine and Palette for Painting in the Gardens during Kids
  • 🎓 ILLUMINATIONS: A Northern Lights Experience in the Crystal Bridge Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by OGE Energy Corp. November 23 – January 2 Evenings Enjoy a new take on holiday lighting inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory beginning November 23 through January 2nd. Professional designers using the latest lighting technology are taking our holiday display to the next level, beyond strings of lights. Bring your…
  • It's a Wonderful Life (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Get in the Christmas spirit with the enchanting performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”…
  • The Nutcracker (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Oklahoma City Ballet presents: "The Nutcracker" is a special performance the whole family will love. Share the…
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23. Make your reservation today!
  • Picture Frame Crafts (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 4:00pm Using DVDs we'll make easy Picture frame crafts that can be used as gifts or personal use. The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government Guthrie...
  • Playboi Carti in Concert (The Criterion - Oklahoma City) Triple-threat rapper, producer and songwriter Playboi Carti takes the stage at The Criterion. With only a few years in the…
  • Saints Sessions (Saints - Oklahoma City) Head to the Plaza District each Thursday for an evening of Saints Sessions programming. Visit Saints Pub in Oklahoma City on…
  • 🎭 Scrooge In Rouge - Christmas Show At The Boom (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Shannon McNally (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Sounds of the Season (Yukon Fine Arts Center - Yukon) Start Time: 7:30pm Make your way to Yukon for the holiday performance of "Sounds of the Season." This annual concert is guaranteed to…
  • The Space Lab (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm The Space Lab features a variety of Oklahomegrown entertainment including poetry, music, standup, improv and all types of art under the radical rainbow of talent in Oklahoma.
  • A Territorial Christmas Celebration (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Step back in time at A Territorial Christmas Celebration in Guthrie with a live theatre production, historic home tours,…
  • 😂 Tim Gaither (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 22nd
  • 🎓 Moore Toastmasters (1st United Methodist Church - Moore) Start Time: 7:00pm Do you cringe at the thought of being in front of a room communicating? Maybe you have no idea how to construct your thoughts for your next business meeting?
    Come and join toastmasters and learn the art of public speaking and leadership. It is a safe and great learning environment for you to start or refine your public speaking skills. There…
  • 🎨 Victorian Radicals Exhibition Tour (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us for an exhibition tour of Victorian Radicals: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts and Crafts Movement. Gain insights into the themes explored by...
  • 🎨 Victorian Yuletide (Third Thursday) (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm 'Tis the season for cheer. Join us December 20 from 5 to 9 pm for a very merry Third Thursday event, Victorian Yuletide! Inspired by our special...
  • Winter Break Drop-In Activities (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am December 17 – 24 and December 26 - 31 Winter Break Drop-In Activities 10:00 a.m. ­– 2:00 p.m.; Sunday Noon – 2:00 p.m. Various Museum Locations It is Winter Break across Oklahoma! Load up the family and explore the Museum using family friendly Museum Quests to visit the galleries and Prosperity Junction, the Museum’s turn-of-the-century…
  • Kingfisher Winter Nights (Kingifhser City Park - Kingfisher) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Millions of lights are setting historic Kingfisher Park ablaze in the city of Kingfisher. Every evening from November…

Friday, Dec 21st

  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • 🎨 ArtNow 2019 Exhibition (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am ArtNow is Oklahoma Contemporary's annual exhibition of Oklahoma-based contemporary artists. It closes with art sale — the first big party of the year with cocktails, tastemakers and the opportunity to purchase one-of-a-kind works. Proceeds help keep Oklahoma Contemporary exhibitions open free of charge, year-round. The 2019 edition introduces…
  • Casey Donahew in Concert (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Step into your finest pair of cowboy boots and head to Diamond Ballroom in Oklahoma City. Navigate to the front of the stage…
  • 🎨 Ceramics Sale/Contemporary Clay (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am Oklahoma Contemporary’s Ceramics Sale is an annual tradition and fundraising event that showcases an array of work by our instructors and students. All objects are available for purchase and proceeds from sales support the Ceramics program and the acquisition of new equipment and supplies for the Ceramics Studio.
    This year’s sale will also…
  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 24th A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • Christmas Express (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Get in the holiday spirit with a festive ride on the Christmas Express. Board this Oklahoma City train to make holiday…
  • December Drop-Ins (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am December 19, 20 & 21, 10am-Noon Member $4; Nonmember $5 Best for ages 6 to 10 Kids will discover the beauty and fun nature has to offer even during the winter. Join us each day with story time every 30 minutes, holiday ornament or gift making and interactive education. Every day has a different theme and craft.
  • Holiday Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Venture over to Midtown in Oklahoma City during the winter holidays, and gaze in wonder at the geodesic dome city overtaking…
  • It's a Wonderful Life (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Get in the Christmas spirit with the enchanting performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”…
  • Michael McDonald in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Plan a night out to listen to soul singer Michael McDonald as he performs at Riverwind Casino in Norman. Michael McDonald is…
  • The Nutcracker (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Oklahoma City Ballet presents: "The Nutcracker" is a special performance the whole family will love. Share the…
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23. Make your reservation today!
  • A Territorial Christmas Celebration (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Step back in time at A Territorial Christmas Celebration in Guthrie with a live theatre production, historic home tours,…
  • 😂 Tim Gaither (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Winter Break Drop-In Activities (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am December 17 – 24 and December 26 - 31 Winter Break Drop-In Activities 10:00 a.m. ­– 2:00 p.m.; Sunday Noon – 2:00 p.m. Various Museum Locations It is Winter Break across Oklahoma! Load up the family and explore the Museum using family friendly Museum Quests to visit the galleries and Prosperity Junction, the Museum’s turn-of-the-century…
  • Kingfisher Winter Nights (Kingifhser City Park - Kingfisher) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Millions of lights are setting historic Kingfisher Park ablaze in the city of Kingfisher. Every evening from November…

Saturday, Dec 22nd

  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 24th A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • Christmas Express (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Get in the holiday spirit with a festive ride on the Christmas Express. Board this Oklahoma City train to make holiday…
  • Holiday Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) 1 day left Venture over to Midtown in Oklahoma City during the winter holidays, and gaze in wonder at the geodesic dome city overtaking…
  • It's a Wonderful Life (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) 1 day left Get in the Christmas spirit with the enchanting performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”…
  • The Nutcracker (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Oklahoma City Ballet presents: "The Nutcracker" is a special performance the whole family will love. Share the…
  • A Territorial Christmas Celebration (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Step back in time at A Territorial Christmas Celebration in Guthrie with a live theatre production, historic home tours,…
  • 😂 Tim Gaither (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Kingfisher Winter Nights (Kingifhser City Park - Kingfisher) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Millions of lights are setting historic Kingfisher Park ablaze in the city of Kingfisher. Every evening from November…

Sunday, Dec 23rd

  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) 1 day left A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • Holiday Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) Last Day Venture over to Midtown in Oklahoma City during the winter holidays, and gaze in wonder at the geodesic dome city overtaking…
  • It's a Wonderful Life (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Last Day Get in the Christmas spirit with the enchanting performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”…
  • The Nutcracker (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Oklahoma City Ballet presents: "The Nutcracker" is a special performance the whole family will love. Share the…
  • A Territorial Christmas Celebration (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) 1 day left Step back in time at A Territorial Christmas Celebration in Guthrie with a live theatre production, historic home tours,…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Minnesota Timberwolves (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Experience the thrill of fast-paced pro basketball as the Oklahoma City Thunder takes on the Minnesota Timberwolves. Wear…
  • Kingfisher Winter Nights (Kingifhser City Park - Kingfisher) 1 day left Millions of lights are setting historic Kingfisher Park ablaze in the city of Kingfisher. Every evening from November…

Monday, Dec 24th

  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Last Day A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • A Territorial Christmas Celebration (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Last Day Step back in time at A Territorial Christmas Celebration in Guthrie with a live theatre production, historic home tours,…
  • Kingfisher Winter Nights (Kingifhser City Park - Kingfisher) Last Day Millions of lights are setting historic Kingfisher Park ablaze in the city of Kingfisher. Every evening from November…

Tuesday, Dec 25th

I was unable to find any published events for Dec 25th.

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Nov 28th - Tue, Dec 4th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


  • BEYOND (Factory Obscura - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Dec 21st Join the creatives behind the Oklahoma City art collective Factory Obscura for a fully-immersive, experiential art…
  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 24th A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • Christmas in the Park (Yukon City Park, Freedom Trail Park & Chisholm Trail Park - Yukon) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Yukon's Christmas in the Park offers a beautiful lighted drive through three interconnecting parks. Yukon's Chisholm…
  • Devon Ice Rink (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 27th The Devon Ice Rink returns for another magical season in the Myriad Botanical Gardens this November through the end of…
  • Downs Family Christmas Lights (Down's Family Christmas Light Ministry - Norman) Thru Tue, Jan 1st The Downs Family Christmas Lights in Norman is one of the most spectacular light displays at a private residence in…
  • Downtown in December (Downtown - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 27th Downtown in December presented by Devon, is a series of holiday events and attractions in the heart of Oklahoma City.…
  • Chickasha Festival of Light (Shannon Springs Park - Chickasha) Thru Mon, Dec 31st The Chickasha Festival of Light has been recognized as one of the top ten holiday light shows in the nation…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 6th Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Midwest City Holiday Lights Spectacular (Joe B. Barnes Regional Park - Midwest City) Thru Tue, Dec 25th Celebrate the magic of the season as over one million lights transform Joe B. Barnes Regional Park into a twinkling winter…
  • Holiday Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Venture over to Midtown in Oklahoma City during the winter holidays, and gaze in wonder at the geodesic dome city overtaking…
  • It's a Wonderful Life (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Get in the Christmas spirit with the enchanting performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”…
  • Lights From the Heart (Purcell Lake - Purcell) Thru Tue, Jan 1st Set your gaze upon a holiday wonderland at Lights From the Heart in Purcell. On this 1.5-mile drive around Purcell Lake…
  • Limo Holiday Lights Tours (Citywide - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Schedule a two-hour tour of the city's most spectacular holiday lights via limo, and enjoy a smooth ride past vibrant…
  • Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink (Mitch Park - Edmond) Thru Sun, Jan 6th Enjoy holiday ice skating in Mitch Park at the Edmond Outdoor Ice Rink. Glide around the 117ft. x 56ft. under clear,…
  • A Territorial Christmas Celebration (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Step back in time at A Territorial Christmas Celebration in Guthrie with a live theatre production, historic home tours,…
  • Kingfisher Winter Nights (Kingifhser City Park - Kingfisher) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Millions of lights are setting historic Kingfisher Park ablaze in the city of Kingfisher. Every evening from November…

Wednesday, Nov 28th

  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 1st Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Bi-Weekly Meetup (51st st. Speakeasy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Dungeons & Dragons (Edmond Unplugged - Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm A City on the Edge with Ashley King No Cost Beginners and experienced players welcome Pre-made characters will be available No outside food and drink, food and drink available within the store
  • 🎓 ILLUMINATIONS: A Northern Lights Experience in the Crystal Bridge Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Nov 30th Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by OGE Energy Corp. November 23 – January 2 Evenings Enjoy a new take on holiday lighting inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory beginning November 23 through January 2nd. Professional designers using the latest lighting technology are taking our holiday display to the next level, beyond strings of lights. Bring your…
  • 🎨 James C. Meade Friends' Lecture: Illuminated Manuscripts (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm We’re happy to welcome Professor Bill Endres from the University of Oklahoma as our guest speaker for our first James C. Meade Friends’ Lecture of the...
  • Jonathan Byrd (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Live Music- Savoy Trio (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • NRHA Futurity & Adequan Championship Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 2nd The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA), with its international headquarters in Oklahoma City, presents one of the…
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Nov 30th Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23. Make your reservation today!
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Cleveland Cavaliers (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Experience the thrill of fast-paced pro basketball as the Oklahoma City Thunder takes on the Cleveland Cavaliers. Wear your…
  • Tinder Live! with Lane Moore (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🏆 Triple Crown Beer Specials (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The Remington Park Casino is well known for its Wednesday and Thursday evening beer specials. Now, the top signature beers from the Bricktown Brewery are...
  • 😂 Valarie Storm (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 1st
  • 🏆 Wednesday Game Night (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Play the games you love for jackpots and then play more games you love for Extra Cash & Prizes on Game Night at Remington Park, every Wednesday! Starting at 6pm on Wednesday nights at Remington Park, just make sure to use your Club Remington Card as you play in the casino. Doing so may get you selected via hot seat drawings to make Free Spins,…
  • 🎨 Wildlife (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 5:30pm Partially filmed in Enid, Oklahoma, Wildlife marks the phenomenally assured, critically lauded directorial debut of actor Paul Dano (There Will Be Blood,...

Thursday, Nov 29th

  • Alyssa Elaine / Jared Valouch / Schat & The Skeleton Trees (Red Brick Bar - Norman) Start Time: 9:00pm This will be an evening of acoustic music from great Oklahoma artists. 9-10 Alyssa Elaine (Singer songwriter) 10-11 Jared Valouch (Acoustic) 11-12...
  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 1st Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • Ante Up! (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Go
  • The Christmas Show (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 1st The Oklahoma City Philharmonic presents its annual holiday performance "The Christmas Show." This show is a family…
  • 🎭 DASHING THROUGH THE SNOW (Chickasha Community Theatre - Chickasha) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm It's four days before Christmas in the tiny town of Tinsel, Texas, and a colorful parade of eccentric guests arrive at the Snowflake Inn and deck the...
  • 🎨 Design Illustration Show (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Five Finger Death Punch and Breaking Benjamin (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Produced by FPC and NS2.
  • From Ashes to New (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 🎡 Holiday Lighting (Rose State College - Midwest City) Start Time: 5:30pm
  • 🎓 ILLUMINATIONS: A Northern Lights Experience in the Crystal Bridge Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by OGE Energy Corp. November 23 – January 2 Evenings Enjoy a new take on holiday lighting inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory beginning November 23 through January 2nd. Professional designers using the latest lighting technology are taking our holiday display to the next level, beyond strings of lights. Bring your…
  • In Flames (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Jingle Mingle (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Thursday, November 29, 5-7:30pm South Lobby of the Crystal Bridge FREE – GARDENS MEMBERS ONLY! Become a member here RSVP HERE by Friday, November 23 Gardens members, come celebrate the holiday season and let us thank you for your support at our exclusive members only holiday party, Jingle & Mingle. View our newly remodeled South Lobby and…
  • KLOVE CHRISTMAS TOUR with Big Daddy Weave (First Baptist Church - Moore) Start Time: 7:00pm Kim Walker-Smith, Brandon Heath, Sarah Reeves, Becca Bradley, Jonathan Chu
  • Manchester Orchestra & the Front Bottoms in Concert (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Indie rock band Manchester Orchestra got their start in 2004 and released a series of five full albums over the years,…
  • Manchester Orchestra & The Front Bottoms (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • NRHA Futurity & Adequan Championship Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 2nd The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA), with its international headquarters in Oklahoma City, presents one of the…
  • OKC Vocal Studios Winter Showcase Presented By Sophia Massad (VZD's - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23. Make your reservation today!
  • 🏃 Red Coyote Pack Pint Run (Classen Curve - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Come run with the pack! The weekly Red Coyote Running and Fitness Pack Pint Run is an out-and-back 3-mile course so you can go as far or a short as you...
  • The Reduced Shakespeare Company (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Start Time: 7:30pm Davis-Waldorf Performing Arts Series presents "The Reduced Shakespeare Company," featuring the theater group's…
  • 🏆 Rose State College Holiday Lighting (Rose State College - Midwest City) Start Time: 5:30pm Join us November 29, 2018 for our annual Holiday Campus Lighting. Get your glow on as we light up campus! There will be Free S'mores, Hot Chocolate, Hot...
  • Saints Sessions (Saints - Oklahoma City) Head to the Plaza District each Thursday for an evening of Saints Sessions programming. Visit Saints Pub in Oklahoma City on…
  • $ SchmoozaPalooza Trade Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:00pm Pipe & Drape Sponsor Networking Event Sponsors SchmoozaPalooza Trade Show Date: 11/29/2018 Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Location: State Fair Park, Oklahoma Expo Hall 3213 Wichita Walk Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Map to Event Add to My Calendar Gather with OKC business professionals for fun networking at the State Fair Park. After ten schmoozing,…
  • 🎓 Small Business Xchange (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) A new day is dawning in the small business market. Take advantage of this unique exhibitor opportunity to become a part of the Small Business Xchange presented by Progressive; a cutting-edge event series designed by small business professionals to specifically help you harness the power and potential of the small business industry.
  • 🍴 Teen Murder Mystery Dinner (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 6:00pm It’s the height of Prohibition in 1920s Chicago, and there’s a mob war brewing between the South Side Gangsters and the Northern Chicago Mob Outfit. The...
  • Territorial Christmas Celebration (Harn Homestead Museum - Oklahoma City) Experience the wonder of a truly old-fashioned Christmas at the Territorial Christmas Celebration at the Harn Homestead…
  • 🎓 Moore Toastmasters (1st United Methodist Church - Moore) Start Time: 7:00pm Do you cringe at the thought of being in front of a room communicating? Maybe you have no idea how to construct your thoughts for your next business meeting?
    Come and join toastmasters and learn the art of public speaking and leadership. It is a safe and great learning environment for you to start or refine your public speaking skills. There…
  • UCO Wind Symphony: A Century of Style and Panache: 100 Years of Leonard Bernstein (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • 😂 Valarie Storm (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 1st
  • 🍴 Whataburger Super Duper Celebration (Whataburger - Midwest City) Start Time: 5:00pm It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a Super Duper Celebration! In the heart of every child lives a superhero, and on Thursday, November 29, Whataburger will celebrate the superhero spirit in all of us with an evening of family fun from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Whataburger located at 2914 S. Douglas Blvd. Customers can spend quality time with their…
  • 🎨 Wildlife (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 5:30pm Partially filmed in Enid, Oklahoma, Wildlife marks the phenomenally assured, critically lauded directorial debut of actor Paul Dano (There Will Be Blood,...

Friday, Nov 30th

  • 🎨 4th Annual Merry Market (Jasco Products - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am You're invited! Jasco's 4th Annual Merry Market will happen on Friday November 30th this year from 11am-3pm. Merry Market attendees can shop from over 50 vendors and local businesses for one-of-a-kind finds, handmade items, jewelry, upcycled treasures, home decor, trendy clothing, health and beauty products, unique gifts and more. One of the…
  • Amanda Cunningham & J.R. Smith (VZD's - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎓 Edmond Ambucs Friday Luncheon (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm The Edmond Chapter Ambucs “creating mobility & independence for people with disabilities” hosts a weekly luncheon every Friday. Please join us at 12PM Noon, UCO Nigh Center, Cherokee Room. We also meet the 2nd Tues. night monthly, 5:30PM, Rock & Brews, 2737 W. Memorial Rd. for $5 burgers & FREE appetizers. More info., call (405)820-9667.
  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • 🎭 An Empty Plate in the Cafe du Grand Boeuf (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Carpenter Square Serves Up Comedy on ‘An Empty Plate’ for the Holiday Season Carpenter Square Theatre presents “An Empty Plate in the Café du Grand...
  • Chase Rice (The Criterion - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • The Christmas Show (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left The Oklahoma City Philharmonic presents its annual holiday performance "The Christmas Show." This show is a family…
  • 🎭 Colourmusic: Metro Music Series (ACM @ UCO - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Quirky independent psychedelic rock act colourmusic performs Nov. 30 at ACM@UCO Performance Lab, 329 E. Sheridan Ave., in Bricktown. Opening acts are...
  • Corey Holcomb (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • 🎭 DASHING THROUGH THE SNOW (Chickasha Community Theatre - Chickasha) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm It's four days before Christmas in the tiny town of Tinsel, Texas, and a colorful parade of eccentric guests arrive at the Snowflake Inn and deck the...
  • Drew Kennedy (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎭 Free Zumba (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 5:00pm Join our dancing Librarian for an hour long, music filled dance party. Space is limited, please RSVP. The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government...
  • 🎓 Holiday Workshop: Living Wreaths (Evergreens) (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:00pm Green Lab Friday, November 30, 7-8:30pm REGISTER HERE Saturday, December 1, 10-11:30am REGISTER HERE Saturday, December 1, 1-2:30pm REGISTER HERE Member $45; Nonmember $55 Kaitlin Bacon, Plant Biologist Design a classic, traditional evergreen wreath in this fun, hands-on holiday workshop. Receive specialized instruction as you create your own…
  • Holiday Workshop: Living Wreaths (Succulents) (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:00pm Friday, November 30, 7-8:30pm REGISTER HERE Saturday, December 1, 10-11:30am REGISTER HERE Saturday, December 1, 1-2:30pm REGISTER HERE Member $75; Nonmember $85 Roberta Rowland, Horticulturist Design a fantastic, modern succulent wreath in this fun, hands-on holiday workshop. Specialized instruction will lead you as you create your own…
  • Home for the Holidays (Downtown - Tuttle) Visit downtown Tuttle this December and get in the Christmas spirit with Home for the Holidays. This free, family-friendly…
  • 🎓 ILLUMINATIONS: A Northern Lights Experience in the Crystal Bridge Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by OGE Energy Corp. November 23 – January 2 Evenings Enjoy a new take on holiday lighting inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical Conservatory beginning November 23 through January 2nd. Professional designers using the latest lighting technology are taking our holiday display to the next level, beyond strings of lights. Bring your…
  • 🎨 Mirai (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:30pm From acclaimed director Mamoru Hosoda (Summer Wars, Wolf Children) comes Mirai, a magical, emotionally soaring animated film about the ties that bring...
  • NRHA Futurity & Adequan Championship Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 2nd The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA), with its international headquarters in Oklahoma City, presents one of the…
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23. Make your reservation today!
  • 😂 Open Mic Night (Don Quixote Club - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Every Friday is open mic comedy at Don Quixote's! Come see Oklahoma City's up and coming talent. If you're a comedian, sign up begins at 7:30. Show at 8. Stick around for the best karaoke in the city.
  • 🎓 OTA Encyclomedia Confrence (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Adam is a dedicated educational technologist, father of two young boys, and Co-Founder of BreakoutEDU, the immersive gaming platform that enables teachers and students to transform classrooms into places of discovery and inquiry-based learning. Previously, he served as a Presidential Innovation Fellow for the White House, created several Edtech…
  • Sassafras Shopping Event (Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center - Shawnee) Day 1 of 2 More than 40 vendors will present their best wares at the Sassafras Shopping Event in Shawnee. This shopping event will…
  • 🎭 Scrooge In Rouge - Christmas Show At The Boom (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎨 Start With Art Presented by Oklahoma City Community Foundation (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30am Jumpstart your day with caffeine and art at Campbell Art Park! Oklahoma City Community Foundation presents Start with Art: Whiteout. The Coffee Slingers...
  • Surreptitious: The After Work Social Mixer (Avenue 101 - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm $10 Fishbowls $3 Hennessy Black $1 Beers $10 Hookah ($5 the 1st Hour) 3 Wine ::NO COVER::
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Atlanta Hawks (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Experience the thrill of fast-paced pro basketball as the Oklahoma City Thunder takes on the Atlanta Hawks. Wear your blue…
  • UCO WinterGlow (Nigh University Center - Edmond) Bring the entire family out to UCO WinterGlow in Edmond for an evening of holiday festivities. The event kicks off at 6pm…
  • 😂 Valarie Storm (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left

Saturday, Dec 1st

  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • Bank of America Museums on Us (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am
  • Mustang Christmas Bazaar (Mustang) The Mustang Christmas Bazaar has everything you need to get in the holiday spirit. Browse over 50 vendors featuring numerous…
  • 🏃 Christmas Carroll 5K (Southern Oaks Church of Christ - Chickasha) On behalf of the Chickasha Optimist Club, with the assistance of the Chickasha Runners Club, we would like to invite you to the 4th Annual Christmas "Carroll" 5K and One Mile Fun Run/Walk on December 01, 2018. Our goal is to raise funds for scholarships for deserving Chickasha High School Seniors, promote physical fitness within the Chickasha…
  • Christmas Gala (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Don't miss the Tecumseh Friends of the Library annual Christmas Gala! We'll have fun for all ages. Free pictures with Santa, cookies, crafts, and games...
  • The Christmas Show (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day The Oklahoma City Philharmonic presents its annual holiday performance "The Christmas Show." This show is a family…
  • Cowboy Christmas Parade (Stockyards City - Oklahoma City) Saddle up and ride into Historic Stockyards City this holiday season for the annual Cowboy Christmas Celebration. The first…
  • 🎓 Family Workshop: Snow Globe Worlds (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Saturday, December 1, 10-11am Member $8; Nonmember $10 Best for ages 6 to 9 REGISTER HERE Learn how our furry animal and plant friends handle the cold winter weather as we play a game and read a few stories. Then we’ll create our own snowy worlds in mason jars using natural materials to take home to proudly display throughout the season. Class…
  • Holiday Hop (Edmond) Don't miss out on Holiday Hop in Edmond, a free family event that lets you create a holiday craft in the Edmond…
  • 🏃 Holiday Hustle 5K/10K (Oklahoma Christian University, Edmond, OK - Edmond) Annual Holiday Hustle 5k \-USATF certified 5k and 10k courses \-flat and FAST \-prize money to top 3 male and female \-pancake breakfast following race \-proceeds benefit Oklahoma Christian University Fitness and Wellness Program and Men's and Women's distance running teams
  • 🎓 Holiday Workshop: Living Wreaths (Evergreens) (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:00pm Green Lab Friday, November 30, 7-8:30pm REGISTER HERE Saturday, December 1, 10-11:30am REGISTER HERE Saturday, December 1, 1-2:30pm REGISTER HERE Member $45; Nonmember $55 Kaitlin Bacon, Plant Biologist Design a classic, traditional evergreen wreath in this fun, hands-on holiday workshop. Receive specialized instruction as you create your own…
  • Holiday Workshop: Living Wreaths (Succulents) (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:00pm Friday, November 30, 7-8:30pm REGISTER HERE Saturday, December 1, 10-11:30am REGISTER HERE Saturday, December 1, 1-2:30pm REGISTER HERE Member $75; Nonmember $85 Roberta Rowland, Horticulturist Design a fantastic, modern succulent wreath in this fun, hands-on holiday workshop. Specialized instruction will lead you as you create your own…
  • Minco Honey Festival (Minco High School - Minco) Satisfy your sweet tooth at the Minco Honey Festival with pure Oklahoma honey. During this celebration of…
  • Junk Hippy Roadshow (Heritage Place Inc - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Junk Hippy is an eclectic traveling show coming to Oklahoma City this holiday season. This one-day, indoor, winter shopping…
  • 🏆 Learn to Curl at Devon Ice Rink (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Learn to Curl Saturdays, November 17 & December 1 & 15, 9-10:30am Devon Ice Rink at Myriad Gardens Members: $20; Nonmembers: $25 Advance registration is required REGISTER NOVEMBER 17 HERE REGISTER DECEMBER 1 HERE REGISTER DECEMBER 15 HERE
    Join the Oklahoma Curling Club members as they walk you through the basic rules and etiquette of curling,…
  • Lindsey Stirling - The Wanderland Tour (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🏃 Little Willie's Triple Dog Dare (Leadership Square - Oklahoma City) Little Willie's Triple Dog Dare is the Ultimate Stair Climb competition in OKC. Competitors will climb and descend both North and South Towers of Leadership Square and the OKC building for a total of 138 flights of stairs. Team options are also available.
  • NRHA Futurity & Adequan Championship Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA), with its international headquarters in Oklahoma City, presents one of the…
  • 🏃 POOP Trail Run (Lake Thunderbird State Park - Norman) POOP (Protect Our Oklahoma Parks) Trail Run is a trail event on the first Saturday of December at the Clear Bay Trails of Lake Thunderbird State Park.
    All proceeds go to the Oklahoma State Parks Foundation to help maintain the state parks we use and love! The 2017 event raised over $6000 for Oklahoma State Parks!
  • Sassafras Shopping Event (Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center - Shawnee) Day 2 of 2 More than 40 vendors will present their best wares at the Sassafras Shopping Event in Shawnee. This shopping event will…
  • 🎨 Saturdays for Kids: Holidays (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Prosperity Junction, Classrooms, Galleries Celebrate the holidays in Prosperity Junction, the Museum’s turn-of-the-century frontier town. Make Western-inspired ornaments, pinecone birdfeeders, and decorations, meet historical Western figures, sample frontier food, and mosey up to the sarsaparilla bar before dropping off your holiday wish…
  • Oklahoma City Train Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 The Oklahoma City Train Show is one of the largest model train shows in the region with operating model train displays,…
  • Trinket & Bauble Show (Red Cup Coffee Shop - Oklahoma City) Join the staff of OKC’s Red Cup in welcoming the holiday season with their Trinket and Bauble Show.
    At this annual…
  • 😂 Valarie Storm (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Winterfest Craft Show (Kingfisher County Fairgrounds - Kingfisher) Perfect for holiday shopping, the Winterfest Craft Show in Kingfisher features over 65 booths of gifts, crafts and home…

Sunday, Dec 2nd

  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Blue vs. Agua Caliente Clippers (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 2:00pm Come see some thrilling professional basketball during the Oklahoma City Blue 2018-19 season. Experience the fast-paced…
  • Canterbury Christmas (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) The Canterbury Choral Society's annual Christmas show is a beloved and anticipated holiday tradition in Oklahoma City.…
  • Christmas Marketplace (Edmond Seventh-day Adventist Church - Edmond) Edmond Seventh-day Adventist Church transforms into a one-stop holiday shop in December. Visitors can scan the booth space…
  • Concert Choir and Chamber Ensemble Advent Concert (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) USAO presents the Choir and Chamber Ensemble Advent Concert at First Christian Church in Chickasha. Enjoy the…
  • NRHA Futurity & Adequan Championship Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA), with its international headquarters in Oklahoma City, presents one of the…
  • Sleigh Bells Market (Farmer's Market - Oklahoma City) Come to the historic OKC Farmers Public Market for a holiday retail extravaganza you won't want to miss. 50…
  • Oklahoma City Train Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 The Oklahoma City Train Show is one of the largest model train shows in the region with operating model train displays,…

Monday, Dec 3rd

  • Sunny Sweeney in Concert (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Sunny Sweeney tells personal tales through her honky-tonk tunes. Hailing from Texas, Sunny Sweeney channels her Southern…

Tuesday, Dec 4th

  • Bach Collegium Japan (Armstrong Auditorium - Edmond) This December, set your sights on the Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond as renowned conductor Masaaki Suzuki and the Bach…
  • Barrel Racing Futurity World Championship (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Dec 8th The annual Barrel Racing Futurity World Championships come to Oklahoma State Fair Park. Put on by the Barrel Futurities of…

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