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Reading Books (especially Quran tafseer) online via pdf's?

Assalam Alaikum,
I wanted to see what everyone thinks about this. I read from different books of tafseer online via websites like archive.org and others. I had no problem with doing this up until recently. Now there is a feeling in my heart that this isn't right, especially if the author is still alive today. What is everyone's opinion on this? Are there any alternatives to this issue, like where you pay a small amount and are able to access books (sort of like netflix)?
submitted by MessiLegend to islam [link] [comments]

Quran-e-Majeed 15 Lines Read Online and Free Download in PDF

submitted by latestnewshb to Quran [link] [comments]

Download Al Quran Bangla Translation Free In PDF | Download Bengali Writers Bangla Books For Free In PDF Online

Download Al Quran Bangla Translation Free In PDF | Download Bengali Writers Bangla Books For Free In PDF Online submitted by abdullahjabar to islam [link] [comments]

Quran Tafseer Explorer Online Quran Islamic PDF - Noor-e-Hidayat

Quran Tafseer Explorer Online Quran Islamic PDF - Noor-e-Hidayat submitted by olcpk0016 to pakistan [link] [comments]

Responding to Farhan Iqbal doubling down to protect Sharhrukh Rizwan Abid's blatant mischaracterizations of my criticisms of Islam/Ahmadiyya

Recently, I posted a question on Farhan Iqbal's Ask.fm account:
Will you be issuing a correction on your next episode of the podcast for the blatantly inaccurate statement from your co-host Shahrukh Rizwan Abid uttered, that the issues covered in my book and video amounted to "I hate the culture" and contained "no concrete arguments"?
I didn't realize that it's the perfect platform for Ahmadiyya missionaries, because no one can see a conversation in reply to his response. So I will respond here.
First, Farhan Iqbal's response [archived]:
Dear Sohail, I'm surprised that out of all things, you chose to pick this phrase and doubled down on it.
Through many years of posting anti-Ahmadiyya messages on Twitter, Redditt, and other platforms and endorsing other people's messages against Islam, etc. it is hard for me to believe that you picked this statement and lost your cool. Over the years, you have made "blatantly inaccurate" statements about the Holy Prophet (sa), the Holy Quran, the Promised Messiah (as) and the Khulafa of Ahmadiyyat (ra). How many times have you corrected yourself? How many times have you read the responses and brushed them aside?
Did your book not convey the feeling that you hated the Ahmadiyya culture? Is the reader of your book not supposed to walk away with this feeling in mind? As per arguments, I have told you before that you had arguments, but those are not "concrete arguments". None of us are under the impression that you have "concrete arguments". I will give you an example. You have repeatedly decried Islamic morals. I have asked a simple question in response: What is your definition of morality? Your responses have failed to give us any clear insight into what morality is without the concept of God.
I'm arranging for you to receive a free copy of the book. Give it a read and refute the arguments if you can.
Let me now answer it piece by piece:
Dear Sohail, I'm surprised that out of all things, you chose to pick this phrase and doubled down on it.
Farhan Sahib, I see a lot of misleading content from yourself and your colleagues, but today, I had a window of time to actually follow up. It seems it is you who is actually doubling down to protect the reputation of your co-host Shahrukh Rizwan Abid, even when he blatantly mischaracterized my work.
One the reasons I also took issue with this is because the most effective thing you can do to hold on to your flock is to dissuade them from actually engaging with counter arguments from the source (such as through my material). It's important that I push back on that mischaracterization because once people review my material, your apologetics in defense of the faith are far less compelling.
I was also shocked, because while I disagree with Ahmadiyya Islamic theology, I have generally found and shared with others that Ahmadi Muslim murabbiyaan are decent people one can converse with, even though we might disagree on substance.
I should have anticipated that as people are increasingly moving away from Ahmadiyyat (and Islam generally), that the Jama'at would be getting more and more desperate—and that the tactics of missionaries would begin to reflect this.
Through many years of posting anti-Ahmadiyya messages on Twitter, Redditt, and other platforms and endorsing other people's messages against Islam, etc. it is hard for me to believe that you picked this statement and lost your cool.
Posting and endorsing content critical of Islam generally and Ahmadiyyat specifically is not nefarious. If one were criticizing Scientology, I'm sure you wouldn't have an issue with that either. And you know my criticism of the religion is not one that preaches hate against believers. I separate negative ideologies from the people who are victims of the indoctrination.
As for the "lost your cool" bit, I do find that statement and the "you seem angry" statement you made on Reddit highly condescending, in addition to being inaccurate. It's the disappointment I have in you and the integrity with which imams of the Jama'at are now lacking in how they mischaracterize their critics.
Taking you to task for a gross mischaracterization on your podcast is an important correction, because it speaks to a strategy increasingly common with religious apologists in the face of criticism.
You want to take the focus off the arguments and telegraph to your audience that non-believers are emotional. A sort of, "Move along people; nothing to see here" tactic.
Over the years, you have made "blatantly inaccurate" statements about the Holy Prophet (sa), the Holy Quran, the Promised Messiah (as) and the Khulafa of Ahmadiyyat (ra). How many times have you corrected yourself? How many times have you read the responses and brushed them aside?
Why don't you point out an example of such a "blatantly inaccurate" statement I have made that needed correction? My statements and positions may be counter to what you believe to be true, but are you going to tell me there are objective facts I got wrong and ignored? Most of my criticisms come with citing embarrassing hadith or quotes from your own religious texts.
Now, there are a lot of people who tweet at me and I cannot respond to every person and chase down every argument. But why don't you give me an example of an objectively wrong statement I've made about Islam that a Christian, Hindu, or someone else not biased towards Islam will side with you on? When I pressed Razi of 'Ahmadi Answers' a few years back on what I "got wrong" in my article on Ahmadiyya beliefs and practices (which he used to harp on about), he could not give defensible specifics. Such complaints seems to be a common FUD tactic in the Jama'at.
I mean really, how many times have I cornered you and you didn't respond or brushed it aside? Your excuses, for example, for why you didn't reference my work in your alislam.org articles, where you lift entire paragraphs from my book without referencing the author or even the source, were quite silly.
Did your book not convey the feeling that you hated the Ahmadiyya culture? Is the reader of your book not supposed to walk away with this feeling in mind?
No, the book doesn't convey that feeling about the culture. It makes people question the morality of the religion. And religion and culture are different, right Farhan Sahib?
At the end of my book I comment on the Jama'at and community, but it doesn't make one hate the culture. It conveys the deep seated problems created by the religion, which result in the unfortunate pain, grief, and disillusionment for many.
Further, isn't the Ahmadiyya culture that many people complain about (such as on this subreddit) a direct reflection of your religious injunctions and your leadership? Why is that even something that should escape your responsibility to defend?
As per arguments, I have told you before that you had arguments, but those are not "concrete arguments". None of us are under the impression that you have "concrete arguments".
Having "concrete arguments" does not necessarily mean that you accept my arguments and agree with me. Contrasted with emotional sentiments like "I hate the culture", the point is that I have laid out points about theology. Your own Amir Canada was more honest pointing out to me that he thought my book was "scholarly" after he read it in 1998, and that he didn't have answers for me.
I wonder why he didn't say, "Ah, this is an appeal to emotions!"
The subtext from Shahrukh Rizwan Abid's mischaracterization of my work was that I'm just dumping on the Ahmadiyya culture; that I'm not actually pointing out criticisms with the Ahmadiyya Islamic theology.
The truth is, I am critiquing the theology using scripture, whether you like the arguments or not. Whether they convince you or not.
It's a clearly articulated argument. Concrete in it's formulation, even if you feel it is not a "worthy" or "substantive" argument. Honestly, if you think that, I don't know what you consider a concrete argument against Islam. Perhaps you want to give me an example and then contrast that with my Issue 3, Women as deficient, as gifts, and as objects acted upon by men where I tie in references to my postulates.
My book is not a narrative about how Ahmadiyyat stopped me from drinking and partying.
I will give you an example. You have repeatedly decried Islamic morals. I have asked a simple question in response: What is your definition of morality? Your responses have failed to give us any clear insight into what morality is without the concept of God.
Farhan Sahib, I'll be charitable. You may be responding to so many people you've forgotten some of the interactions we've had. I've laid out in a short twitter thread to you, my response regarding morality.
I suspect you're labouring under the faulty premise that unless I have a bunch of do's and don'ts listed on stone tablets, I don't have a basis for morality. I think you mislead your listenership and followers by repeating the same line, even though you know that non-theists reject your theistic framing altogether. When have you ever tried to steel man the position and answers that have been given to you before on this?
I'm arranging for you to receive a free copy of the book. Give it a read and refute the arguments if you can.
You can post a PDF of it online for everyone to read and critique. I'll certainly look at the printed copy when I get a chance, and determine in what priority I should respond to that versus other items in my queue.
I may take your approach and respond to the topics in your book as response topics of my own, since it seems you haven't written a response to each of the numbered questions in my book.
Tell me, do you even encourage your readers to read my book in full to get the context of my argument, and not just your re-framing of what you think the argument is?
I really do find that the way your colleague has mischaracterized my work is a desperate attempt to have people not engage with my material at the source. But given the number of people whispering about doubts they or their family members have, I know you cannot stem the tide of people waking up.
submitted by ReasonOnFaith to islam_ahmadiyya [link] [comments]

Does Jamaat Ahmadiyya practice its own beliefs?

Does Jamaat Ahmadiyya practice its own beliefs?
I’ve been involved in the ex-Ahmadi space for a while now. In this time, I’ve seen two main types of criticism against the Jamaat: firstly, the soundness of its theological premises, and secondly, the way the Jamaat functions and its members behave. I will be focusing on the second of these categories in this post.
When discussing these issues, I have noticed that both Ahmadis and those critical of Jamaat are often committed to the idea that the teachings or theology of Jamaat are a central and primary factor in explaining the way Jamaat functions and how Ahmadis behave. The idea is that the social norms and organizational priorities of Jamaat Ahmadiyya, can be simply explained with reference to the written or spoken teachings of Jamaat. This idea assumes that the Jamaat is a simple reflection of its own theology. Simply:
  1. The Jamaat’s theology says X.
  2. Jamaat/Ahmadis behaves in X way.
There are of course some important differences between how Ahmadis and ex-Ahmadis respectively assert this. For example, certain behaviors of Ahmadis both Ahmadis and ex-Ahmadis agree are negative. Ahmadis believe that issues that we see in Jamaat and among Ahmadis today, for example gossip culture, can be explained by a lack of sufficient obedience to scripture. Ahmadis are not perfect models of their teachings and through tarbiyyat such problems will be resolved. Contrastingly, ex-Ahmadis will say that the behavior of Ahmadis reflects teachings and attitudes contained within Ahmadi writings. We will show quotes of MGA and the Khalifas to show that such a toxic culture of gossip is a consequence of the scriptures of Ahmadiyyat. This is essential work, as Ahmadis are clearly not interested in recognizing the naturally occurring consequences of their teachings on their own community.
However, we must reject any claim that scripture is a central factor explaining the way Jamaat operates and Ahmadis behave. The central question is: why do Ahmadis/Jamaat behave as they do? I believe that this question cannot be limited to an analysis of Jamaati theology. For ex-Ahmadis to develop a deeper criticism of Jamaat, we must recognize that the theology of the Jamaat does not dictate Ahmadi society in a linear way. Just because we see Ahmadi society as it is today, does not mean that this society is the only possible society which could have arisen from Ahmadi teachings.

The Problem: Purda

The problem with this linear understanding is that Ahmadi theology and teachings cannot account for the complex ways in which Jamaat functions and Ahmadis behave. Lets take an example. Jamaat theology emphasizes the following verses of the Quran:
Say to the believing men that they restrain their eyes and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Surely, Allah is well aware of what they do. (24:31)
  • And say to the believing women that they restrain their eyes and guard their private parts, and that they disclose not their natural and artificial beauty except that which is apparent thereof, and that they draw their head-coverings over their bosoms, and that they disclose not their beauty save to their husbands, or to their fathers, or the fathers of their husbands or their sons or the sons of their husbands or their brothers, or the sons of their brothers, or the sons of their sisters, or their women, or what their right hands possess, or such of male attendants as have no sexual appetite, or young children who have no knowledge of the hidden parts of women. And they strike not their feet so that what they hide of their ornaments may become known. And turn ye to Allah all together, O believers, that you may succeed. (24:32)
The Jamaat’s interpretation of these verses are: Men and women should both restrain their eyes, and women should observe a strict form of physical purda. How does this map out onto the norms of Ahmadi society? In the case of women’s purda, we can see quite a direct line from theology to society. The Jamaat has undeniably strict rules on purda and “public exposure” for women. In the age of social media, Jamaat categorically restricts women from posting their photos online publicly. This is reflected in the culture of Ahmadis online, where if women post photos they will be told to cover up. The most extreme example of this is Ahmadi men ranting about Ahmadi women showing some hand cleavage. As a result of this strong social norm, most Ahmadi women have pictures of their children, their family or their younger selves as their profile photos on social media. Similarly, women seen in public without purda will often be subjected to the Jamaat’s toxic gossip and shaming culture. This then seems like a clear case where the Jamaat’s functioning is a direct result of its teachings.
Now lets take another example: watching films and going to cinema. According to the above interpretation of the verse on purda, Ahmadis should avert their eyes from the opposite sex. We see this reflected in Ahmadi culture, where men and women cannot bare to make eye contact and must look at the ground if they pass each other. But watching films with men and women on screen without any form of purda, often wearing less-than-halal clothing, is normalized within Ahmadi society. Ahmadis, including prominent Imams, regularly tweet about films which do not allow one to fulfill this important aspect of purda. The Jamaat does nothing in an official capacity to stop Ahmadis from commenting about films in public.

This normalization has happened despite Khalifa II explicitly forbidding Ahmadis from going to the cinema:

There is evidence that this fatwa against cinema used to be reflected as a social norm among Ahmadis. Professor Abdus Salam did not go to a cinema due to his father warning him against it (although he did drink alcohol and marry a white non-Ahmadi later in his life). But nowadays, we see on social media and in Jamaat culture, movies and tv shows are completely normalized. Ahmadi Imams are talking about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, while an Ahmadi Oscar-winner hosts Jamaat events. Clearly, this is a case of a gap between Jamaat’s teaching and its enforcement and practice. Ahmadis are not getting scolded for tweeting about movies, so why are Ahmadi women who dare to post selfies?. What explains the difference between these two examples?
An Ahmadi can respond to this proliferation of film culture with the statement: “they are not following Jamaat teaching”. But why? Why are certain behaviors so strongly censured by Ahmadi society while similar behaviors aren’t? What factors explain the prioritization of purda of women’s clothing over the purda of the eyes when it comes to movies? There is nothing in the content of these teachings which can explain this difference: both of these activities are seemingly equally forbidden by the text. As we can see then, there is no inevitability that Ahmadi teachings necessarily lead to the Ahmadi society that we see today. That there used to be a social norm against cinema-going clearly points to this complicated relationship between doctrine and practice.

Purda vs beards?

In fact, another example makes this yet more clear. As we all know, keeping a beard is sunnah. Furthermore, Ahmadi men have the example of Muhammad, as well as all the Ahmadi caliph’s for the length of their beard. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad famously said:
“O brave young people! May Allah’s mercy be upon you. You are witnessing a great revolution in the world and watching a variety of Signs. The most unfortunate people in this age are the Muslims; their dominion has been snatched away from them and many of them are alienating themselves from the Faith. No calamity descends except upon them, and no misfortune befalls except upon their people; nor is there any innovation but is introduced among them. The world does not present its treasures to them except to dazzle their eyes. We see their youth—they have discarded the lifestyle of the Islamic nation and have obliterated the marks of the sunnah of the Prophet. They shave their beards, take pride in their moustaches and let them grow, along with dressing like the Christians. They are the unluckiest people under the canopy of the heavens, for whom the earth provides a shelter in this age.” (Page 828 Haqiqatul Wahi English Translation)
Despite this, Ahmadis are famously known for not keeping such long beards in accordance with sunnah. In fact, even clean shaven men walk around with their chins naked to the world. Mirza Masroor Ahmad before his Khilafat, for example:

cool shades
The example of the beard is analogous to the physical purda women are required to do. Why then, do we not see a similar social pressure to grow beards, as we do see for women to wear hijab? I don’t see any difficulty in imagining an alternative Ahmadi society, on the basis of its scripture, in which having a beard is just as socially mandated as wearing a hijab. In fact, if you look at the teachings on their own, the requirement of growing a beard is much less burdensome than observing purda in the Ahmadi style. So why don’t we see equality of enforcement and practice of these teachings?
An analysis of the way in which Jamaat functions should not be impoverished by a singular focus on scripture. If you truly disagree with how Jamaat functions, you should want to understand why Jamaat operates the way it does. That is not to excuse the theology, but to build a more complete understanding of how it works in the real world. In fact, delinking theology from the practices of Jamaat is a more radical criticism of Jamaat. As mentioned earlier, the Jamaat’s entire worldview is based upon seeing the world, and especially itself, as a place where things happen because people do or do not following the Jamaat’s teachings. By narrowly focusing on the teachings of Jamaat, we play into this framework. The Jamaat is not some exceptional organization insulated from the issues which plague the rest of the world. Just as sexism and patriarchy operate within the world, and are criticized, so do similar factors and structures affect Jamaat. Similarly, while Jamaat claims to offer a solution to racism in the age of BlackLivesMatter (iNnOcEnT liVeS mAtTeR), it has not been able to historically deal with its own issues with integrating black Ahmadis. The Jamaat in this way tries to proclaim itself as a divine, perfect solution to a world plagued with issues. We should examine Jamaat within these broader structures to understand its selectiveness with which teachings it emphasizes and enforces. This is a crucial step to normalize and understand Jamaat not as a divine institution, but as a regular, faulty, man-made organization just like any other.
submitted by doublekafir to islam_ahmadiyya [link] [comments]

Resources and Historical Materials To Help Affirm (Mostly) Sisters

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

الحمد الله ربّ العلمين والصلاةُ والسلمُ على رسول الله و على أهلهِ وَ أصحابِهِ أجمعين.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful and the Especially Merciful, all praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Alameen. [May He] send his peace and blessings upon the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet SAW and his family and his companions all together. May the Peace and Mercy and Blessings of Allah be Upon You.
This is a response to u/whateverwhocaresbye on her post I think I'm having a "crisis of faith" :(
Many of our misconceptions about women, marriage, gender roles today emerge from the Colonial Era as well as "modernity;" This is the typical cultural narrative Muslims have adopted today.
However, there is more to be said from this because in many instances we willfully adopted nationalistic, Cultural, Social, Scientific beliefs that affect the way we think about the world.
Another way our misconceptions about marriage arises come from rhetoric and polemics. Many Muslims assume that anything deemed "traditional," existing in or as part of a tradition (usually from religion); long-established, is comparable to what the "Islamic tradition" says. So when American politicians/moralists (abuse) utilize family values, traditional values, etc they are using it in a certain way that is not necessarily for family values but ulterior motives such as racial suburban segregation (Biden called out Trump on this in the first debate) and more recently privatization of the economy (neo-liberalization).
Another way is how many Muslims adopt silent ideologies/movements out of opposition to more apparent movements; so being reactionary without deliberate thought.
So many mainstream shaykhs and speakers, as well as more abrasive speakers like Daniel Haqiqatjou actually utilize anti-feminist, anti-collective, Masculinism (yes this is a real thing), pro-capitalist rhetoric for the mere purpose of "owning liberals," the all-powerful, but weak ambiguous yet pervasive, silent but loud Muslims who are deemed to be people who will destroy Islam.
So the following articles, chaptebook suggestions, podcasts, videos are basically tackling this issue holistically from science, culture, politics, economics, etc
You should not find these books on libgen, Hint hint,

Conservative politicians using "Family Values" starting in the late 60s to subvert and destroy socio-economic supports systems through neoliberal privatization, making it harder for people to get married, have kids, take care of the elderly, etc

The emergence of Eugenic Sciences in the late 19th century

Other 19th-century stuff

Sex, gender, and marriage stuff

>"In the 1980s, Christian feminists began to challenge the exclusivity of male leadership in the church, as well as aspects of theology, including the assumption God was masculine in nature. The feminist movement that had been gaining momentum in wider society during the 1960s and 1970s underpinned this revolt against male privilege in the church. In fervent response, evangelical factions of the Christian church began to double down on men’s authority over women. In fact, evangelical Christian leaders who believed in the infallibility of biblical scripture, began to blame Christian feminists for creating more divorce, sexual abuse and promiscuity."


> This article undertakes the first known qualitative study focusing on The Red Pill, an online forum wherein heterosexual men attempt to improve their seduction skills by discussing evolutionary psychology and economic theories. My content analysis of twenty-six documents (130,000 words) designated by the community as central to its purpose and ideology shows that The Red Pill is not just an expression of hegemonic masculinity but also explicitly integrates neoliberal and scientific discourses into its seduction strategies. I theorize that the resulting philosophy superficially resolves a contradiction between hegemonic masculinity’s prescriptive emotional walls and an inherent desire for connection by constructing women as exchangeable commodities.
> This paper explores the role that men’s rights activism (MRA) is playing in a contemporary backlash to feminist anti-rape activism. We engage in a discourse analysis of popular MRA websites to reveal a set of interrelated claims, including: that sexual violence, like domestic violence, is a gender-neutral problem; that feminists are responsible for erasing men’s experiences of victimization; that false allegations are widespread; and that rape culture is a feminist-produced moral panic. We argue that sexual violence is emerging as a new focus of the men’s rights movement, competing with a longstanding emphasis on fathers’ rights. The subject of MRA activism has shifted and is becoming less familial and more sexual. MRAs appear to be using the issue of rape to mobilize young men and to exploit their anxieties about shifting consent standards and changing gender norms.

Islamic History and stuff

I'm working on other things mainly arguing that the sahaba RA did not view things like we do including sex (male-centric), hoor al ayn (we hyper sexually objectify them rather than see them as loving spouses), and other sexual ethics stuff including the assumed sexual agency of Sahabiyat RA
we ignore hadiths that suggest even one instance of hitting your wife makes unable to be the best of men (best of you is who treats his womenfolk the best), and general recreating the sexual culture during the time of the Prophet SAW through hadith, Arabic language, the Quran and other things
So feel free to ask about that as well if you want
u/bubbblez I made it male and female participation but I'm known to be stalked and harassed by guys on here bc I'm pretty much a Low testosterone Dayooth, sad
you'll be able to tell, just delete them I don't care to deal with them. Please and thank you sis
I'll add more stuff inshallah. I'm missing something i can't think what I'm missing atm
Edit: reminder for me mohyian report/welfare queen, federal segregation, intro Islamic law, 9/11 gender, affirmative action Nixon reagan adviser Edward banfield,
submitted by MuslimHistorian to Hijabis [link] [comments]

Questions regarding Islamophobia in Albania

Greetings from Australia fellow humans. I recently had this sudden urge to procastinate from studying for my finals next weeks by going through random wikipedia articles online, and I came accross something quite unusual. According to wikipedia and The Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA ) , even though Albania is a muslim majority country, prejudice against muslims and islamophobia in general are quite common. The most disturbing thing I found reading the document (attached below ) are political pundits calling for outright ethnic cleansing against muslims in the Balkans and outright demands for banning the Quran, and that muslim Albanians aren't "true Albanians". Here's an excerpt from the doucument:
  1. " On May 26, 2016, a media analyst, Kastriot Myftaraj, pressed charges against the Quran. The case he brought before the court and reported in the media demands for the Quran to be banned as a book that 'contains plans of genocide against humanity, feeds religious, ethnic, and racial hatred, as well as insults and humiliates part of the population.' It clarifies that it does not refer to a particular translation of the Quran, but to all its translations and claims that the books of the other religious traditions in Albania do not contain similar language. The Quran, according to the deposition, 'is a manual of guidelines given to a violently active minority of the population in order to achieve submission and control of the tolerant majority'. Kastriot Myftaraj had in other occasions glorified the massacre of Srebrenica, where more than 8000 Muslim men from Bosnia were executed by the Serbian military, and has called for ethnic cleansing of Muslims in the Balkans. Myftaraj has never been charged with hate speech. To the contrary, at times he is lauded as a valuable analyst by mainstream pundits and is often featured on various TV shows. "
  2. An assault on a women wearing Hijab: " In the first week of August, a Muslim woman was physically attacked in a public bus by another woman who shouted at her, “You are terrorists.” The incident was reported in community media outlets. "
  3. State sponsored promotion Christianity through demonisation of the Islamic Faith.
I am pretty disturbed and confused to say the least, especially considering that the country is a Muslim majority as mentioned previously. What do you guys take from this? What are your experience in the country as a practicing Muslim, If not atleast nominally Muslim?
Document:http://www.islamophobiaeurope.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ALBANIA.pdf (with sources)
Disclaimer: sorry for the poor formatting and sloppy writing. I've working through an assignment for 18 hours now, so too exhausted to proof read.
submitted by maazahmedpoke to albania [link] [comments]


Answering major concerns about Islam
Why should you read this?
Here I have tried to answer your chief concerns about Islam by collecting some resources that can lead you to a better understanding of Islam. I have introduced some scholars who, in my opinion, can help you a lot in eliminating your apprehensions.
Wherever you are,
Dear Dr. Peterson,
From the rare good-yielding juggle of content on my Facebook feed, I was introduced to you. It was a clip from your interview with Cathy Newman. I had a certain gut-feeling that this guy feels smart. Embarking from that point, I have been pretty much mesmerized by your psychological adventures. As a Muslim, it was natural for me to be curious about your thoughts about Islam. Not unpredictably, I found you mostly a critic of Islam. But your philosophical and religious endeavors opened upon me that you belong to the infrequent class of truth seekers.
My assumption about you after watching your videos is that when you talk about Islam, you mean its traditional narrative and you haven’t introduced modern religious thoughts. And I don’t blame you for that as the reconstructed narrative isn’t much popular among Muslims themselves.
I am a Muslim from Pakistan and two years back I was in large skeptical about Islam. Most of the things just didn’t make sense. Then, I was introduced to Mr. Javed Ahmed Ghamidi. Watching his videos on youtube, mostly in Urdu, I was just mesmerized by the unimaginable order and appeal in Islam. Until now, I have read a lot of his writings and have watched dozens of his lectures. I have tried to collect all necessary sources that can address your doubts and can, possibly, alter your opinion about Islam.

Introduction to Javed Ahmed Ghamidi and Farahi School of Thought

In the past few centuries after losing power in the world, Islam has encountered a whole lot of challenges. Whereas an extremist reaction to it was largely observed, many scholars have tried to answer these questions in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. Farahi School of Thought has been one of the most prominent schools of thought in doing so.
Here’s a comprehensive introduction to it:
The Farahi School of Thought _ Personalities & Contributions _ AM Hind.pdf

Books by Javed Ahmed Ghamidi

Javed Ahmed Ghamidi has summarized his findings and that of his predecessors about Islam in his books Mizan. Here’s an introductory article to it:
An Introduction to Ghamidi's Mizan | Dr. Shehzad Saleem
Here you can access Mizan online: Islam: A Comprehensive Introduction | Javed Ahmed Ghamidi
Ghamidi also has written a commentary on Quran titled Al-Bayan:
Commentary on Quran | Javed Ahmed Ghamidi
Other religious books by Ghamidi include Maqamat and Burhan.
You can buy Ghamidi’s books and those published by Al-Mawrid, an organization established by Ghamidi, at:

Quran’s Arguments for the Existence of God

Though I don’t think you are skeptical about God but just for completing the set of resources.
A QUR'ĀN-BASED ARGUMENT FOR GOD: Insights from Javed Ahmad Ghamidi | Junaid Hasan

Introduction to the Quran

A large obstacle in understanding Islam is an insufficient introduction to the Quran. Here are some resources.
How to Prove the Quran as a Divine Book? | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
Introduction to the Qur'an | Dr. Shehzad Saleem
Here you can access the commentary on the Quran by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi and Amin Ahsan Islahi.
(Note: You will have to change the language from Urdu to English)
Commentary on Quran | Javed Ahmed Ghamidi

Religion vs Religious Thought

The first thing to restate before starting is understanding the difference between the following:
As religious thought is a humanly work, it is susceptible to errors and mistakes. The wide-believed religious thought of Islam has some basic errors that need to be addressed.

Main Concerns

Firstly, a bible reader knows that after Abraham(AS) God’s scheme of Prophethood took a turn. The prophethood was confined to the progeny of Abraham. This article discusses God’s Scheme of Prophethood in detail:
Verdicts of God | Javed Ahmed Ghamidi
For several centuries, prophethood was confined to Israelites but when they rejected Jesus as the messenger of God, they were deprived of this rank. The responsibility was shifted to another branch of the progeny of Abraham: Ishmaelites or Arabs. This was not an unprecedented step but was mentioned in the Old and New Testament. In the following book by Abdul Sattar Ghauri, you can analyze it in detail:
Muhammad Foretold in The Bible - Abdus Sattar Ghauri
Secondly, you need to understand, principally, Muhammad(SAW) was a rasool(messenger).
Every rasool is a nabi(prophet) but every prophet is not a rasool. Here Mr. Ghamidi explains the difference between both:
Difference between Nabi and Rasool -
Prophets are personalities whom the Almighty reveals divine
guidance so that they can guide people. However, not every prophet is a messenger. Messengerhood is a position bestowed to only some prophets. According to its details furnished by the Qur’an, a rasul decides the fate of his addressees and implements the judgement of God on them in this very world. The Qur’an informs us that this final phase in the preaching endeavour of a rasul comes after it passes through the phases of:
-> indhar [warning],
-> indhar-i ‘am [common, augmented and pronounced warning],
-> itmam al-hujjah [Conclusive conveyance of truth, communicating the truth to the extent that no one among its addressees is left with an excuse to deny it.] and,
-> hijrah wa bara’ah [Migration and acquittal]. It is in this phase that the divine court of justice is set up on this earth. Punishment is meted out to the rejecters of the truth and those who have accepted it are rewarded, and, in this way, a miniature Day of Judgement is witnessed on the face of the earth.
- Adapted from Meezan by Javed Ahmad Ghamidi, Principles of interpretation of Quran, section vii - Subject-Matter of the Qur’an
For a detailed account:
Itmam al-Hujjah [1] of God's Messengers | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
With communicating God’s message to his nation in a way that will make the truth undeniable for them, a rasool is also responsible for inflicting God’s punishment on those who reject God’s message. This punishment can be inflicted in two ways:
  1. If the Prophet doesn’t have sizable followership and a place to migrate, God’s judgment is implemented by some kind of disaster e.g. cyclones, floods, etc. such as in the case of Noah, Lut, Salih, etc.
  2. If the Prophet has sizable followership and finds a place to migrate, God’s judgment is inflicted by the hands of the followers. It was the case for Moses, Muhammad, and some other messengers.
As Jesus didn’t get political leadership of any sort, he didn’t have to go to war (or he wasn’t a warlord in your say). As the jews weren’t polytheistic, the punishment was inflicted not as mass killing but as eternal subjugation to the followers of Jesus.
As Muhammad(SAW) had sizable followership, and he also found a place to migrate, God’s punishment on Arabian Polytheists was inflicted by the hands of the companions of Muhammad.

Why were nations other than Arabs punished?

As already said, the responsibility of preaching God’s religion was transferred to the Ishmaelites. It was necessary to provide an area where from Islam could be spread to the whole of the world. As Palestine was attributed to Jews, the Arabian peninsula(called Hejaz) was attributed to Arabs to spread the message of God from it. Therefore, people of other religions were eradicated from Hejaz and their worship places were diminished.
It was necessary for the land of Hejaz to be able to spread the message of God openly and for it, it needed to be secured from the imminency of outside attacks. For this, the prophet Muhammad(SAW) sent messengers to the heads of states of all surrounding states to accept Islam. Itmam al Hujjah was performed on them this way.
Here the fact is to be clarified that Itman al Hujjah on the states surrounding Hejaz wasn’t done merely by sending letters. Muhammad(SAW) sent the letters four years before his death. It is no neglectable fact that God’s messenger(having direct contact with God) is present on the planet. There were clear signs that Muhammad(SAW) was the prophet of God. For details see:
Belief in the Prophets | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
Also, They have the opportunity to clarify any doubts and questions they have for four years.
Therefore, in the Quran, it was ordered that all states and governments surrounding the Hejaz who haven’t accepted Islam would be subservient to the Islamic state in Hejaz. For this, the Jizya was asked to be paid by the surrounding states. Wars were waged against states that didn’t pledge subservience to the Islamic state.
This is the whole story. Muhammad wasn’t a warlord like Genghis Khan trying to expand his empire but the last prophet of God taking necessary steps to determine the security of the Islamic state in Hejaz. So that Islam could be spread to other regions of the world with peace.
It was God’s help that accounted for such an unbelievable expansion. Also, the places which were conquered by the Khulafa-e-Rashedeen still have the majority of Muslims.
Jihad is not allowed to Muslims other than the reasons to stop religious persecution and that also has to be done at a state level.
It is a fact that other than Hejaz and its surrounding places, Islam wasn’t spread by wars but by scholars. You can take the example of Central and South Asia. If any Muslim state waged war against any state other than those surrounding Hejaz, it mainly had two reasons:
Before it was the concept of kingdoms. Aligned with it were many Islamic kingdoms.)

What would have happened if this hadn’t been done?

If the steps for securing Hejaz hadn’t been taken, great Roman and Persian empires would have wiped out Islam completely. Also, the message of Islam wouldn’t have reached such great a number of people. For a more detailed analysis see:
WAR AND JIHAD IN ISLAM - Dr Muhammad Farooq Khan

The Cause behind Islamic Terrorism? Its Solution

The root cause of Islamic terrorism is interpreting this aforementioned expansion as the start of a worldwide enlargement. Instead of considering the orders regarding these attacks specified to the areas where Itmam al Hujjah was performed by the prophet, they were interpreted as for the whole world.
The following article contains a detailed account of what the traditional narrative was and what counter-narrative has been laid forward:
Islam and the State: A Counter Narrative | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
I also highly recommend you to go through the following series of lectures. They are in Urdu with English subtitles but I can say that they will be worth your time. It contains a detailed analysis of traditional narrative or traditional Islamic thought and discusses in detail the counter-narrative to it. The first few lectures sum up the scholarly history of Islamic thought. The next 11 lectures consist of detailed arguments for the counter-narrative. It will fairly increase your knowledge about Islam which you are deprived of for the reasons of not knowing Arabic, Urdu, and Farsi. Also, it will prove to you that, in its pure form, Islam is not a totalitarian system.
Dallas Lectures - Traditional and Counter-Narrative - Rawayati aur Jawabi Bayaniya - Javed Ahmed Ghamidi

Islam and Democracy

Following article will clarify your doubts that Islam, in its pure form, is a non-democratic system.
Is Democracy Compatible with Islam? | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
Is Tolerance Liberal? Javed Ahmad Ghamidi and the Non-Muslim Minority

Islam and West

Islam and the Clash of Civilizations | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

Islam and Slavery

Islam and Slavery | Javed Ahmed Ghamidi
Slavery | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

Blasphemy Punishment in Islam

These resources will help you understand the status of punishment for blasphemy in Islam.
Punishment of Blasphemy | Javed Ahmed Ghamidi
Punishment for Blasphemy against the Prophet (sws[1]) | Javed Ahmed Ghamidi

Islamic Punishments

Islamic Punishments: Some Misconceptions | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi

Islam and Homosexuality

Islam on Homosexuality, Transgender, and LGBTQ - Javed Ahmed Ghamidi

Islam and Women

Islam & Women Misconceptions and Misperceptions

Quran and Bible

Interpolation of the Bible | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi
Quran and Bible | Javed Ahmed Ghamidi
Corruption in the Bible: The Muslim Stance | Moiz Amjad

Islam and Music

The Islamic Stance on Music: Ghamidi's View (1) | Manzoor ul Hassan

Some Other Misconceptions about Islam

Misplaced Directives | Dr. Shehzad Saleem

Contacting Javed Ahmed Ghaimid

These resources are compiled just to give you an idea of the new religious thought of Islam. You must have dozens of questions bulging in your mind about Islam. You can contact Mr. Ghamidi at:
Currently, he resides in Dallas, Texas, USA. The address and phone number are inside the link.

Last Words

Here, I have made a humble endeavor to collect some relevant facts and resources. I highly advise you to contact Mr. Javed Ahmad Ghamidi. If you observe any mistake in the letter, and you will, leave it on my incompetence.
Lastly, your absence and health conditions have worried your well-wishers a lot. May you and your family be hale and hearty again(I wonder you are) and you be back in us as soon as possible.
submitted by qada_khawar to JordanPeterson [link] [comments]

I wanna educate myself on the religion

Does anyone have a hint as to where i can get an original text of quran online? I would just google it but i wouldn’t be able to tell the authentic text from the non authentic ones. Like maybe in a pdf format or something like that. And how many holy islamic texts are there? Like is the quran enough to learn about the religion or will i have to read ijma and qiyas as well?
submitted by rebeccamishra to islam [link] [comments]

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Islam Ahmadiyya and the Obedient Wife

This is an article on what I have observed in official Jamaat discourse, as well as Ahmadi apologists arguments, with regards to gender roles. I believe that there has been a shift in the way Ahmadis talk about gender roles, particularly when it comes to the issue of women obeying their husbands. This shift is a real one, in the sense that it represents an actual change of the Jamaat's position towards gender roles. But at the same time, even if this shift is real, it is still a hollow one, given the institutions of Jamaat have already institutionalised the older paradigm of gender roles.
What is the Husband-is-MasteObedient-is-wife Paradigm?
In his excellent book "The Things We Think But Are Too Afraid To Say", u/ReasonOnFaith argues that there exists in Islamic literature, and confirmed in Islam Ahmadiyya, a misogynistic view of gender relations. He refers to this as the "Husband-is-MasteObedient-is-Wife" paradigm (Obedience Paradigm from now on). Essentially, there is a significant body of literature which emphasises the role of the husband as the "guardian" or "master" of women, who are admonished to be obedient to their husbands for their own good.
The prime example, and perhaps the origin of this view is 4:35 of the Quran. The Ahmadi translation reads:
Men are guardians over women because Allah has made some of them excel others, and because they (men) spend of their wealth. So virtuous women are those who are obedient\, and guard the secrets of their husbands with Allah’s protection\. And as for those on whose part you fear disobedience, admonish them and leave them alone in their beds, and chastise them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Surely, Allah is High, Great.
Here are a few other examples of the Obedience Paradigm:
  1. Abu Hurairah relates that the Holy Prophet said: Had I ordained that a person should prostrate himself before another, I would have commanded that a wife should prostrate herself before her husband (Tirmidhi). Found in Gardens of the Righteous , an official Jamaat compilation of Hadith, edited by Sir Chaudhry Muhammad Zafrullah, famous Sahabi of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
  2. "It is obligatory for a woman to obey her husband. The Holy Prophet SAW has said that if a husband tells his wife to place a large pile of bricks from one place to another and then after she is done tells her to put them back in their original place, even then a woman should not raise a voice and should obey him" Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Malfuzat, Volume 5, Page 30. Available here
  3. "The wife's second duty is that she should be obedient to and co-operative with her husband and give him the respect due to him as willed by Allah and His Prophet (s.a.w.). If the wife obeys her husband willingly and gracefully, she shall make her home a paradise on earth. Peace and contentment shall reign there and the husband of such a dutiful wife is bound to hold her in great esteem. Many wives do not consider it necessary to be docile and obedience to their husbands and insist on imposing their own wishes on them and want their husband to play the second fiddle. This is not correct. A good wife must obey her husband" Islam on Marital Rights, by Maulana Sheikh Mubarak Ahmad, published in 1988 (originally delivered as a speech in 1969 Rabwah Jalsa Salana)
  4. Under the heading "Wife's Ideal Qualities", "the wife must not go out of the house without the permission of her husband" is listed. Also from Islam on Marital Rights.
  5. Under the heading "How to take care of the emotional needs of your husband?" the following hadith is written "Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger SAW said, 'If a husband calls his wife to his bed and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning' Bukhari 3237" Jamaat Ahmadiyya USA Marital Harmony Guide
  6. "One marvels at the modern man who insists on the equality of sexes and asserts that men and women have equal rights. Let these people raise armies of women and send them into battle and see the result for themselves. How would a pregnant women discharge her duties in the battlefield? In short, women have fewer and weaker faculties than men. Men should, therefore, keep them under their care" Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Malufzat volume 7 pp. 133-134, available in Essence of Islam Volume 3 p.324.
The above quotes all portray the idea that men and women have a certain kind of relationship. Men are the masteguardian, and women must obey them. This is explicit idea that men and women are not only different, but man is dominant in his position as guardian over women.
What is the Separate but Equal Paradigm?
The Obedience Paradigm is slowly being shifted away from in Jamaat's literature. Despite the existence of Jamaati material supporting it, more recent Jamaat literature shies away from it. For example the article "Gender Equality in Islam" on Alislam, has no mention of obedience, despite addressing the objection that Islam Ahmadiyyat treats women unequally. Instead, the article forwards the view that men and women have different strengths and weaknesses, and as such, different roles in society. In recognising these differences, Islam supposedly provides the "best" form of equality. The man is the breadwinner, and the woman is the mothewife.
This is just one example, but I think many of us have recognised this in online debates about these issues. Rather than emphasise the idea that women must obey their husbands, Ahmadis explain gender roles are "different" but not unequal in any way.
I assume that this shift has occurred as a result of people raising the objection of Islam's unequal treatment of women. Especially in the Western context, the idea that women must be obedience is one that is not taken well. Instead, by arguing that men and women are different, but equal, Ahmadis position themselves as an alternative to naive equality between the sexes. The idea of "obedience" would shatter this Separate but Equal facade.
Why does this matter?
Some would argue that is is a good thing that Jamaat is now more enlightened and does not propagate the idea of obedience anymore. In fact, I think that this change probably reflects the actual relationships that many Ahmadi couples have in the West. The idea of a "docile" wife obeying her husband would be laughed at by most western Ahmadis.
There are some issues however:
a. While the Obedience Paradigm is no longer as actively propagated, it still exists in the Jamaat literature, and thus continues to provide a source of religious sanction for men to force their wives to obey their every word.
b. The principle underlying both the Obedience Paradigm and the Separate but Equal paradigm, is that they both have a view of gender roles as fixed. Nothing has changed in regards to the role of men and women in society. For example:
  1. Women cannot vote in Jamaat Shura
  2. Women cannot marry without a Male guardian
  3. Women cannot take any Jamaat position (apart from Lajna, an auxiliary, NOT the central Jamaat organisation)
  4. Women cannot divorce without male permission
  5. Men can still have the power to "physically chastise" their wives.
c. Related to point B, men are still considered to be the "breadwinner", while women act as the "mother." By giving man the financial power over the wife, you create a power imbalance, whereby women are financially dependent on men. This relationship, while presented as loving and kind, is ripe for abuse if the man is not kind and moral as Jamaat wants him to be. There are so many quotes where men are told to be loving towards their wives, and to treat them well. And while this is a good thing, it fundamentally misunderstands that the category of relationship between man and woman, that of breadwinner and the dependent, is open for abuse. No amount of preaching to men about treating their wives kindly is going to counterbalance this fundamental power imbalance.
In conclusion, the Separate But Equal paradigm is a sanitisation of a fundamentally unequal relationship. While women are no longer are told to obey their husbands (at least not as openly), they nonetheless are completely dependent on men in their role as "mothers", in relation to the "breadwinners."
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Resources for navigating life after faith crisis/faith loss

Disclaimer: Following is just my opinion not an absolute guide, and I'm passing on what I helped me and some of my friends. Take it, leave what you want, pick what works for you, mix it the way it works for you.
Hope, this finds you well.
I identify myself as agnostic (as defined by Adolph Huxley), I'm reading Quran (~80% done), though it might change my mind to revert back to Islam, it did the opposite. So like a lot of people I have often felt in my own life, and seen many people too searching for resources to navigate post-religion life, especially in a psychological and spiritual sense.
Here's a set of tools, ideas, suggestions that helped me and those I know, hoping it might be of help to you.
I'm gonna categorize them on basis of the area of life they deal with.
I hope this set of suggestions gives you even just one thing that helps you to live a more fulfilling, meaningful, authentic, and healthy life in all sense.


1.1. Mental health (+emotioanl well being+secular spirituality)

This is the most important area when it comes to any time of your life, quality of your mental health would directly influence every experience you have consciously.
People, when they lose faith undergo grief stages (as described in Kübler-Ross Model), the second last of which is depression, some people even have their anxieties triggered too and have hard timing managing them.
Here's an excellent essay by Mark Manson on dealing with loss, and creating new sources of meaning, and new identities: How To Let Go
1.1.1. Mindfulness meditation
If there's one tool that can give you the most mental and emotional stability as well help you to be ground at the moment to navigate all this thing, it's mindfulness meditation.
I can't emphasize enough, how much it affects your brain positively, and the benefits it provides.
90% of my depression was gone by this it has helped me sleep better, and many of my friends (even those who had trauma history e.g. sexual abuse) too. The practice of mindfulness has helped me to increase my self-compassion levels to high.
Here is how it helped Azad88:
OP introduced Waking up app to me which is the primare source I've been using to deal with my depression... I've personally used it to learn how to meditate and relax, I often mediate every morning and have been using it for the past 7 months. Admittedly I haven't used it every day but I would say I have seen the way I approach the world and see myself. It has helped me to let go of events that are out of my control and taught me my place in the world. Its a strange feeling of discovering your true self just by meditating.
I've also learnt to stop the constant negative thinking that I often found myself due to years of struggling with Islam and Ahmadiyyat, the constant anxiety and depression led me to years of problems which I can say with confidence now that have almost passed. I feel happier just by the way I think and see the world.
Here's what mint_and_tint's experience:
I’m practicing mindfulness meditation for some time now and it has helped me a lot coping my anxiety and depression. It has significantly helped me with my sleep difficulties (sometimes falling asleep, other times staying/going back to sleep). My physical and emotional anxiety symptoms (overwhelming sadness, irritability, self doubt, fatigue, sweating, trembling etc) are almost gone. It has given me a sense of calm and inner peace. Sometimes it’s hard to believe how ten to twenty minutes of meditation can leave one invigorated and serene.
There is research on how mindfulness helps with PTSD. It helps with insomnia - had a friend who was sleeping about 2 hours daily, but on her first day of meditation, she slept 9 hours and around the same hours in the next few days. It helps with emotional stability, and emotional regulation, my emotional stability from low (around 25 last year) to 95 a few days ago (very high) with the practice.
I recommend using the Waking Up app of Sam Harris for this.
  1. Install app. Open practice tab (Intro course).
  2. Set on couch/chair and put hands on legs with an erect spine.
  3. Follow Sam Harris what he says during the session.
If you like the app and it's helping you, and aren't in a position to afford it, drop them an email, Waking Up team gives you a free 1-year subscription too - just tell them you like the app but not in a position financially to afford it.
It not only improves your mental and emotional well being but helps you tap into spirituality too (awareness of your ego) - you begin to be more self-aware from regular practice about your ego helping you break old patterns, you also begin to see what you were calling you wasn't you (the illusion of Self).
To make a consistent habit of mindfulness-meditation, I suggest using a habit tracker like this in Bullet Journal: Super Simple Habit Tracker
If you wanna track in your phone, there are tons of free apps like HabitBull to help you create daily consistency of practice.
1.1.2. 5 books for dealing with depression and anxiety.
Here're 5 books I recommend for dealing with depression and anxiety. I'll put a link to them in the end, you can download from my Drive-in soft form. [1]
Burns has done a fantastic job of essentially writing the closest replacement to a real therapist, and as a result, pretty much any time I come across someone who needs a therapist but can’t get one for some reason, this book is the instant-recommendation.
Helps you conduct complete cognitive behavioral therapy for depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, etc. These books helped so much too until I came across Waking Up.
1.1.3. Books on trauma healing
If you don't have access to a trauma therapist yet, here are some books from psychologists who have worked on trauma-related research for decades (may you be healed):
i. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Traumaby Bessel A. van der Kolk
In the book van der Kolk creates an "understanding of traumatic stress, revealing how it literally rearranges the brain’s wiring—specifically areas dedicated to pleasure, engagement, control, and trust. He shows how these areas can be reactivated through innovative treatments including neurofeedback, mindfulness techniques, play, yoga, and other therapies".
ii. Healing from Trauma: A Survivor's Guide to Understanding Your Symptoms and Reclaiming Your Life by Jasmin Lee Cori
In the book, Jasmin Lee Cori helps you: Understand trauma and its devastating impacts; Identify symptoms of trauma (dissociation, numbing, etc.) and common mental health problems that stem from trauma; Manage traumatic reactions and memories; Create a more balanced life that supports your recovery; Choose appropriate interventions (therapies, self-help groups, medications, and alternatives); Recognize how far you've come in your healing and what you need to keep growing.
iii. The Sexual Healing Journey: A Guide for Survivors of Sexual Abuse by Wendy Maltz
This book "helps survivors understand the changes that happen after abuse occurs and move towards healing).
iv. Recovery of your inner child by Lucia Capacchione
A beautiful starting point for anyone who wants to connect with and heal their inner child.
v. The Journey from Abandonment to Healing by Susan Anderson
A lifeline to anyone struggling to let go during a painful or abrupt breakup or divorce.
vi. Healing Developmental Trauma: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image, and the Capacity for Relationship by Laurence Heller
For those working to heal developmental trauma and seeking new tools for self-awareness and growth, this book focuses on conflicts surrounding the capacity for connection.
1.1.4. Journaling
You can journal out too, there is tons and tons of research how therapeutic and cathartic journaling out problems, thoughts and feelings is.
Don't try to write make paragraphs, write in points and sub-points, then you on a seprate page you can extend a certain point in paragraph if that helps.
Here's are some journaling prompts: https://psychcentral.com/blog/30-journaling-prompts-for-self-reflection-and-self-discovery/
Here's a brilliant blog on Bullet Journal's site, on how that person his Bullet Journal to slay his depression: Slaying Depression Bullet Journal
1.1.5. Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion
1.1.6. More mental health resources
Here's are some IG accounts to follow for psychological and emotional well being:
Holistic psychologist
Seerut K. Chawla
Positive psychology
- Here are some YT channels for mental health.
- How to ADHD
- Katie Morton
-The Psych Show Channel
- Julia Kristina Counseling Channel
- Dara Hoffman-Fox Channel
-The Survivor's Guide To Life’s channel
- The Shame Proof Parenting Channel

1.2 Physical health

This can be boiled down to 2 things: move your body and eat healthy to nourish it.
- For working out at home I highly recommend apps like 30 Days Fitness Challenge which guide you through every exercise every day (with animations) and keep increasing difficulty level.
- For eating health, read this:
Healthy Eating: The Beginner’s Guide on How to Eat Healthy and Stick to It
Also, check out Healthline for more resources on this.

2. Personal Development

2.1. Designing present and future life

This is the second most important area of your life.
If you can afford, check out Self Authoring Suite (costs $30). It's a set of journaling exercises, to help you learn from the past, navigate the present and design the vision and plan for the future you would love to live.
Ultimate Edge Program is Tonny Robbins' personal development program designed to coach you in different areas of your life (finding a compatible partner, financial freedom, career goal-setting, etc.) as well as give you tools/strategies to design the life you love.
It costs $249, I guess, but if you aren't in a position to do so, check out this workbook [3] of the program which summarizes the whole program and provides the exercise sheets of the program.
Another resource is Bullet Journal by Ryder Carroll (book), the book's subtitle says: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future. I think that says it all, what the whole book is about.
The book not only goes into all of this but gives you a system (methodology) for setting meaningful goals as well as tracking, achieving and reflecting on them. The methodology is incredibly minimalist and customize-able to your personal or professional needs.
Bullet Journal methodology serves as my primary life management, and designing system - I have an analog version of it, and a digital version of it in Notion app.
I have ADHD too like the creator of BuJo, it has helped me a ton to create a focus in my life, regularly reflect, and stay organized in pretty much every area of my life - in short in staying organized and managing my ADHD.
Happy Bullet Journaling.
Here's are some essays from James Clear and Mark Manson to further help you bring order to your present and design your future:
How to find your purpose by Mark Manson
Goal Setting: A Scientific Guide to Setting and Achieving Goals
Note: I highly recommend checking out Mark Manson and James Clear's articles, you'll find a lot of brilliant articles that cover self-help, and self-development topics.
Here's are few more resources for personal development;
Make your personal developmental plan

2.2. Life management (productivity and self-reflections)

We all need structure, and tools to be living efficiently and effectively - living intentionally - be it personal or professional life. So here are some resources:
The Productivity Guide: Time Management Strategies That Work
Focus: The Ultimate Guide on How to Improve Focus and Concentration
Doist blog has some really great articles on being productive, I'll add links to few of my favorites:
The Complete Guide to Planning Your Day
[Workflow Guide] Accomplish Your Big Goals With Don’t Break the Chain
How to Organize Your Life
Btw they have this really great To-do list app too called Todoist if you like managing stuff digitally.
I already mentioned the Bullet Journal which is also great productivity and management tool. Here's a YT video explaining BULLET JOURNALING for STUDENTS.
If you are a student, check out Thomas Frank's channel, he makes videos that "help you be more productive - whether you're in high school, college, university, or the real world."
Here are 2 videos from Thomas Frank that's really helpful:
Working From Home: How to Stay Focused
Working from Home: How to Plan Your Day
If you prefer rather video content, here are few YT channels around personal development and self-reflection;
- MuchelleB
- Lana Blakely
- Nathaniel Drew
- Matt D'Avella
- The School of Life
- Academy of Ideas

4. Career navigation

4.1. Natural inclinations

4.2. Best career aptitude test
www.careerexplorer.com › career-test ​
4.3. Books' recommendations.

4.4. More resources
One of the most important areas of fulfillment, meaning, and self-transformation is work. And if you're not in the line of a compatible career path, you'll try to escape those work hours, and try to find pleasure outside which in long term would only leave you empty. If success and money come, they won't last in long run. It's really important to be in line with the career path you're compatible with, and actively cultivating skills in it, and seeking new challenges.
Here's a great TEDx talk of Robert Greene talked about these ideas (primal inclinations and self-transformation via work): The key to transforming yourself
So, having realized the importance of a compatible career and taking the path of Mastery. Here's the most accurate career aptitude on the Internet (I have tried many, and have looked at so many tests' methodologies), I recommend this one: https://www.careerexplorer.com/career-test/
  1. Take the test and identify 1-3 career suggestions you are most curious about as well as degrees' suggestions. If you have 2-3 interests, decide which one would be primary and which one secondary etc. and how you would do time-blocking weekly to cultivate them.
  2. Create an RPM plan for cultivating skills in those areas/areas via offline or online resources, degrees, etc.
  3. Build your portfolio or equivalent of it, and start working in the path/paths you chose.

5. Relationships (family, friends, SO)

Here are 5 books for relationships everybody should read.
5 Relationship Books Everyone Should Read [2]
Few resources on cleansing unhealthy relationships, and setting boundaries:
- Mel Robbins' worksheet for doing THE FRIEND CLEANSE and setting Boundaries in relationships.
- How to deal with draining relationships | Mel Robbins
- Relationship Ambivalence: Should You Stay or Leave?
Resources on creating healthy relationships;
- The Gottman Institute | A research-based approach to relationships
- The Gottman Institute on IG. They post really great content on IG, I highly recommend it.
- Navigating friendships
- Aminatou Sow & Ann Friedman: The Truth About Big, Messy Friendship

6. Finances

Usually, nobody teaches us about financial literary whether in the education system or in family, and it's a neglected area in a lot of people's lives including mine.
Giving yourself financial literacy can empower yourself in a lot of ways to live a more authentic, stress-free life.
Here's are few resources for navigating finances in your life;
The Financial Diet
I Will Teach You To Be Rich
Six Books That Changed My Life
Everything you’ve been told about money is wrong.
Money Manager is good app to track your expenses and incomes: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.realbyteapps.moneymanagerfree&hl=en

7. Fun and adventure

Coming soon.
I hope, it was of any help to you. :)
Feel free to DM me if you need any help.
  1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aCqm5LKinFDn1mf48Y2epFpaYH9ZsjmI?usp=sharing
  2. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TAa0UX3yUwqzrk9TEblxEct9GoFFF1tM?usp=sharing
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iu-ZzOQ9EzmSgQnCrfbk1gvk59u_XnHw/view?usp=sharing
submitted by irartist to islam_ahmadiyya [link] [comments]

A-Z of some sexist issues men face

This is NOT to play opression olympics. This is just to show there are some issues, that usually are not discussed, highlighted or mocked. Yes some of these are kind of funny examples, but hey we have seen don't manspread while running, air conditioning is sexist against women and icebergs are sexist so here goes:

Academia - typically conforms to patriarchy-adherent male-blaming dogma[1]
Addiction – men suffer more than women, partly due to extra stresses faced[2]
Aeroplanes – only men are not permitted to sit next to unaccompanied minors[3]
Alcohol – a man can be prosecuted if a woman gets drunk then cries rape[4]
Alimony - disproportionately targets men, even when women main earners[5]
Anonymity - after rape/DV claims, men publicly named without evidence[6]
Anorexia - blamed on male gaze. Death-rate inflated 3000 fold by victim-fems[7]
Anti-male shaming tactics – typical ways men demanding equality get attacked[8]
BBC bias –world's largest broadcaster uses male-blaming victim-femalism[9]
Birth certificates – father's name not legally required to be listed[9.5]
Boxing – men must fight 12x3 minute rounds, women, only 10x2[10]
Campus rape hysteria – yet funded 'hotlines' receiving virtually no calls[11]
Cancer – men with cancer treated less effectively than women[12]
Charities – often exaggerating female victim statistics for financial gain[14]
Child abuse- men typically shown as perpetrators - women kill & abuse more[15]
Childbirth – its risks exaggerated (as excuse to block men's equality debates)[16]
Child custody cases – 7% of UK fathers allowed to live with their children[17]
Chivalry – men placating women and dismissing men's equality issues[18]
Circumcision – only legal when males are being mutilated[19]
Civilization – 90% of patents awarded to men, yet men portrayed negatively[20],[21]
Clip joints – women lure men into clubs to be extorted by threats of violence[22]
Combat deaths – usually male. Female soldiers paid same, but kept safer[23]
Conscription – men enslaved for longer, & only men forced onto front line[24]
Contraception – women have several effective options, men barely one[25]
Commuting – men travel further than women to get to work[26]
Dating protocols – most women still expect money and gifts from men[27]
'Deadbeat Dads' criticized, though non-custodial moms even worst payers[28]
Death jobs – 95% of workplace fatalities are of men[29]
Discrimination laws written with female focus, so sex-discriminatory their self[30]
Disease – men get more of most, but less funding, and less treatment[31]
Doctor's surgery hours – less opportunity for working men to visit GP[32]
Domestic violence arrest policies remove man only[33]
Domestic violence shelters for women and their children, but not men[34]
Domestically violent women use more arms, poison, surprise & premeditation[35]
Dominance – men portrayed as controlling, but research find women boss men[36]
Double standards of female-only equality advocacy across issues[37]
Dress codes - Neck-ties typically compulsory for male employees only[38]
Drinks spiking myth – media creating more rape hysteria– yet no evidence[39]
Driving – men are more often the family chauffeur than women[40]
Driving Skills – men denigrated, but per mile, safer drivers than women[41]
Earnings – women earn more per hour of work-related activity than men[42](go to Neil Cuvuto show link at hyperlinked page)
Equality agencies - actively exclude reference to men and men's equality issues[43]
Engagement gifts – men only still expected to purchase diamonds etc[44]
Environment – men typically blamed for causing pollution[44.5]
European Union – complies with victim-female strategic frames and focus[pending]
Executions – men disproportionately targeted by governments for death[46]
False allegations epidemic, covered up by mainstream media and v-feminists[47]
False allegations against men rarely prosecuted, but instead 'no crimed'[48]
Fatherlessness – bad on every measure, yet encouraged by some feminists[49]
Fathers - disproportionately denied access to children[50]
Fees – UK parents pay for daughters' further education more than for sons'[pending]
Female revenge rhetoric seen as justifiable by media narratives[52]
Female supremacism rhetoric seen as 'empowering' by establishment[53]
Feminism - presumed perfect by elite, so abuses of men get overlooked[54]
Forced labour – men the majority of those genuinely trafficked into slavery[55]
Funding – for women's initiatives in universities, but not for men's[56]
Gender studies - hyper-focusses on women and ignores men's issues[57]
Gender-developmental progress – men typically presented as hostile to it[58]
Genital injuries to men - seen as joke by mainstream media regulators[59]
Glass ceiling myth – elite pretend women being held back in employment[60
Governmental agencies - for women's issues but not men's[61]
Health spending – women's disease research gets more funding than men's[62]
Higher education – 59% of degrees go to women, 41% men, the gap widening[63]
Historiography – women presented as historically oppressed, and by men[64]
Homelessness – 80% to 90% of street homeless are men[65]
Homophobic violence – gay men overwhelming victims from people, and states[66]
Housework – Muslim husbands obliged to provide wife with a housekeeper[67]
Hypergamy - (gold-digging) - prevalent amongst majority of world's women[68]
Ideology – Marxist left wing claim only women face discrimination[69]
India – 98% of domestic violence allegations believed false[70]
Infrastructure – in US from 1890 to 1917, 230,000 men killed on rail roads[71]
Inheritance – Muslim women not obliged to share property but men must[72]
Innocence Project – 99.5% of all found to be wrongly convicted, are men[73]
International Women's Day celebrated, but Men's Day ignored or disparaged[74]
Judiciary - recommend discriminating against men when setting sentencing[75]
Koran – decrees that women are weak so should be provided for by men[76]
Lace Curtain – excludes men's issues debates from mainstream media[77]
Ladies Nights – men still financially discriminated against for being men[78]
Language – negative terms associated with maleness i.e. 'slugs and snails... '[79]
Life expectancy - shorter for men around the world[80]
Male-bashing – Newspaper marketing Association recommends misandry[81]
Male idiot stereotype - omnipresent in sitcoms and adverts[82]
Male Studies – falsely framed by mainstream media as anti-women or anti-equality[82.5] [82.6]
Man flu - scoffed at, despite science showing men more susceptible to flu[83]
Marriage gifts – cultures and religions insist men must pay women to marry[84]
Media bias – factual content portrays men negatively 69% of time[85]
Men's rights movement, issues & activists presented as anti-women & equality[86]
Millionaires – 25% more young female millionaires than male in the UK[87]
Ministers for Women but none for men[88]
Misandry - common but seldom mentioned, or recognized in dictionaries[89]
Misogyny - claims of it used to silence any male dissent[90]
Mitigation – 12 female-only legal defences for pre-meditated murder[91]
Murders - of men, much more frequent than of women[92]
NGOs – use victim-female strategies and focus in their advocacy and research[93]
News reporting – avoids reference to gender when the victims are male[94]
Nursery education – boys treated worst than girls, and male teachers excluded[95]
Objectification - typically presented as something only women suffer from[96]
Overtime – 60% of men in UK work over 60 hours per week[97]
Parental alienation – men disproportionately targeted by women[98]
Parental leave & pay – UK Fathers get 26 times less than UK mothers[99]
Parental leave & pay – mothers can withhold parental leave & pay from men[100]
Part-time work – UK men earn 4% less than part-time women[101]
Paternity fraud – 30% non-custodial fathers paying for children not theirs[102]
Paternity testing for every newborn - not yet compulsory anywhere in world[103]
Patriarchy theory - omnipresent throughout academy, media and polity[103.5]
Paedophilia hysteria - typically presents men only as the threat[104]
Policing – men arrested more often than women for similar crimes[105]
Porn – male porn stars get paid nine times less than female porn stars[106]
Porn – female porn stars can choose male co-stars, but males get no choice[106]
Porn – male porn stars body-build to get screen-ready. Females just show up[106]
Primary education – anti-male propaganda introduced, & few male teachers[107]
Primary care giver payouts – women rewarded in divorces for not earning[108]
Princess culture – girls being indoctrinated to expect special treatment[109]
Prison conditions – much worst for men than for women[110]
Prostitution – male customers criminalized, female sellers treated as victims[111]
Pussy pass – women held to lesser standards than men due to genitalia[112]
Quotas - usually only enforced to correct inequalities faced by women[113]
Rape of men - often treated as a media joke[114]
Rape (of women) statistics inflated by educators, governments & media[115]
Relational aggression – females of all ages slightly more manipulative than males[115.5]
Religions - insisting on and enforcing male wage-slavery to wives and sisters[116]
Reproductive rights & choices – men, no choice with unwanted pregnancies[117]
Retirement age – 5 years later for men, despite shorter life expectancies[118]
Sabotage – men's rights movement aims attacked and obscured in wikipedia and beyond[118.5] [118.6]
Seating – In Saudi Arabia, two men must vacate bus seat for one woman[119]
Secondary education – Male-blaming victim-femalism taught across curricula[120]
Second shift myth – claims 'women's work never done' - yet men do more[121]
Sentencing bias – being male is number one predictor of a heavier sentence[122]
Sex – women less likely to initiate or reciprocate sexual acts than men[pending]
Sexism – women 4 times more sexist, but some fems pretend only men sexist[124]
Sex segregation – cultures & feminisms say men too predatory to integrate[125]
Spending decisions – wives decide on 90% of purchase decisions in marriages[126]
Statutory rape – boys portrayed as lucky when teachers sexually abuse them[127]
Student Unions - ignore men's issues, and object to men's equality groups[128]
Suicide – in part due to inequalities, a higher risk for men at every age group[129]
Suicide bombers - disproportionately male. Family of man receive a pay-off[130]
Taxes - men pay more than women, but receive less back in state benefits[131]
Tennis – men forced to play best of 5 sets where as women play best of 3[132]
Tips – waitresses earn $2000 more gratuities than waiters per year[133]
Trafficking lies – women choosing prostitution presented as if victims of men[134]
Victim-female statistics abuse - at every level of the establishment[135]
Violence – most of women's violence is against men (as is men's violence)[136]
Wage gap lies – victim-femalists falsely claims women unfairly paid less[137]
Wage slavery – religious & cultural laws decree men must pay for women[138]
War – historically, 99.999% of combat fatalities have been men[139]
Wealth – women control 60% of all money in the USA[140]
Wigs – men publicly scorned for wearing wigs, whilst women given a pass[141] [141.5]
Women & children first policies in advocacy, emergency aid, & evacuations[142])
Woman's Hour six times a week on the BBC, but no Men's Hour or the like[143]
Women's academic forums but no men's, so widespread ignorance on men[144]
Women's groups & governments oppose joint custody[145] [145.5]
Women's groups exaggerate prevalence of rape and domestic violence[146]
Women's issues TV shows, but no men's issues shows[147]
Women-only political advocacy rhetoric, from far left to far right wings[148] [149]
Women-only public spaces, like gyms, swimming baths, parks and islands[15o] [151]
Women-only train carriages[152] [152.5]
Women's-only issues representation by student unions[153]
Women-only research in academia[154]
Women's studies departments – 900 or more women's & gender studies depos ignoring men[155]
United Nations – promotes women's inequality stories[156]
Universities' curricula and culture, across fields, uniformly critical on men[157]
Unpaid security guard role expected of men by many women[158]
XY 'inferiority' rhetoric common, although science does not support the claim[159]
Zero – the number of men's rights movement books most people have read[160]
submitted by mhandanna to MensRights [link] [comments]

Resources for navigating life after faith crisis/faith loss

I originally posted this in islam_ahmadiyya, I'm posting it here too, as it might be of help to anyone of you. Happy reading.
Disclaimer: Following is just my opinion not an absolute guide, and I'm passing on what I helped me and some of my friends. Take it, leave what you want, pick what works for you, mix it the way it works for you.
Hope, this finds you well.
I identify myself as agnostic (as defined by Adolph Huxley), I'm reading Quran (~80% done), thought it might change my mind to revert back to Islam, it did the opposite. So a like a lot of people I have often felt in my own life, and seen many people too searching for resources to navigate post-religion life especially in psychological and spiritual sense.
Here's a set of tools, ideas, suggestions that helped me and those I know, hoping it might be of help to you.
I'm gonna categorize them on basis of area of life they deal with.
I hope this set of suggestions gives you even just one thing that helps you to live more fulfilling, meaningful, authentic, and healthy life in all sense.


Mental health and spirituality
This is the most important area when it comes to any time of your life, quality of your mental health would directly influence every experience you have consciously.
People, when they lose faith undergo grief stages (as described in Kübler-Ross Model), second last of which is depression, some people even have their anxieties triggered too and have hard timing managing them.
If there's one tool that can give you most mental and emotional stability as well help you to be ground in moment to navigate all this thing, it's mindfulness meditation.
I can't emphasize enough, how much it affects your brain positively, and benefits it provides.
90% of my depression was gone by this it has helped me sleep better, and many of friends (even those who had trauma history e.g. sexual abuse) too. Practice of mindfulness has helped me to increase my self compassion levels to high. Azad88 can testify it too, I suggested him too, it helped him ton.
There is research on how mindfulness helps with PTSD. It helps with insomnia - had friend who was sleeping about 2 hours daily, but on her first day of meditation she slept 9 hours and around same hours in next few days. It helps with emotional stability, and emotional regulation, my emotional stability from low (around 25 last year) to 95 few days ago (very high) with the practice.
I recommend using Waking Up app of Sam Harris for this.
  1. Install app. Open practice tab (Intro course).
  2. Set on couch/chair and put hands on legs with erect spine.
  3. Follow Sam Harris what he says during session.
If you like app and it's helping you, and aren't in position to afford it, drop them an email, Waking Up team gives you free 1 year subscription too - just tell them you like app but not in position financially to afford it.
It not only improves your mental and emotional well being, but helps you tap into spirituality too (awareness of your ego) - you begin to be more self aware from regular practice about your ego helping you break old patterns, you also begin to see what you were calling you wasn't you (illusion of Self).
To make consistent habit of mindfulness-meditation, I suggest using a habit tracker like this in Bullet Journal: Super Simple Habit Tracker
If you wanna track in your phone, there are tons of free apps like HabitBull to help you create daily consistency of practice.
You can journal out too, there is tons and tons of research how therapeutic and cathartic journaling out problems, thoughts and feelings is.
Don't try to write make paragraphs, write in points and sub-points, then you on a separate page you can extend a certain point in paragraph if that helps.
Here's are some journaling prompts: https://psychcentral.com/blog/30-journaling-prompts-for-self-reflection-and-self-discovery/
Here's a brilliant blog on Bullet Journal's site, on how that person his Bullet Jouranal to slay his depression: Slaying Depression Bullet Journal
Here're 5 books I recommend for dealing with depression and anxiety. I'll put link to them in the end, you can download from my Drive in soft form. [1]
Here's what Mark Manson says about it: Burns has done a fantastic job of essentially writing the closest replacement to a real therapist, and as a result, pretty much any time I come across someone who needs a therapist but can’t get one for some reason, this book is the insta-recommendation.
Helps you conduct complete cognitive behavioral therapy for depression, anxiety, anger, guilt etc. This books helped so much too until I came across Waking Up.
Here's an excellent essay by Mark Manson on dealing with loss, and creating new sources of meaning, and new identities: How To Let Go
Here's are some IG accounts to follow for psychological and emotional well being:
Holistic psychologist
Seerut K. Chawla
Positive psychology
- Here are some YT channels for mental health.
- How to ADHD
- Katie Morton
-The Psych Show Channel
- Julia Kristina Counseling Channel
- Dara Hoffman-Fox Channel
-The Survivor's Guide To Life’s channel
- The Shame Proof Parenting Channel
Physical health
This can be boiled down to 2 things: move your body and eat healthy to nourish it.
- For working out at home I highly recommend apps like 30 Days Fitness Challenge which guide you through every exercise every day (with animations) and keep increasing difficulty level.
- For eating health, read this:
Healthy Eating: The Beginner’s Guide on How to Eat Healthy and Stick to It
Also check out Healthline for more resources on this.

Designing present and future life

This is the second most important area of your life.
If you can afford, check out Self Authoring Suite (costs $30). It's a set of journaling exercises, to help you learn from past, navigate present and design the vision and plan for future you would love to live.
Ultimate Edge Program is Tonny Robbins' personal development program designed to coach you in different areas of your life (finding compatible partner, financial freedom, career goal setting etc.) as well as give you tools/strategies to design the life you love.
It costs $249, I guess, but you if you aren't in position to do so, check out this workbook [3] of program which summarizes the whole program and provides the exercises sheets of the program.
Another resource is Bullet Journal by Ryder Carroll (book), the book's subtitle says: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future. I think that says it all, what the whole book is about.
The book not only goes into all of this, but gives you system (methodology) for setting meaningful goals as well tracking, achieving and reflecting on them. Methodology is incredibly minimalist and customize-able to your personal or professional needs.
Bullet Journal methodology serves as my primary life management, and designing system - I have an analog version of it, and a digital version of it in Notion app.
I have ADHD too like creator of BuJo, it has helped me ton to create focus in my life, regularly reflect and stay organized in pretty much every area of my life - in short in staying organized and managing my ADHD.
Happy Bullet Journaling.
Here's are some essays from James Clear and Mark Manson to further help you bring order to your present and design your future:
How to find your purpose by Mark Manson
Goal Setting: A Scientific Guide to Setting and Achieving Goals
Note: I highly recommend checking out Mark Manson and James Clear's articles, you'll find a lot of brilliant articles that cover self help, and self development topics.
Here's are few more resources for personal development;
Make your personal developmental plan

Career navigation

One of most important areas of fulfillment, meaning and self-transformation is work. And if you're not in line of compatible career path, you'll try to escape those work hours, and try to find pleasure outside which in long term would only leave you empty. If success and money come, they won't last in long run. It's really important to be in line of career path you're compatible with, and actively cultivating skills in it, and seeking new challenges.
Here's great TEDx talk of Robert Greene where talks about these ideas (primal inclinations and self-transformation via work): The key to transforming yourself
So, having realized the importance of compatible career and taking path of Mastery. Here's the most accurate career aptitude on Internet (I have tried many, and have looked at so many tests' methodologies), I recommend this one: https://www.careerexplorer.com/career-test/
  1. Take the test and identify 1-3 career suggestions you are most curious about as well degrees' suggestions. If you have 2-3 interests, decide which one would be primary and which one secondary etc. and how you would do time-blocking weekly to cultivate them.
  2. Create RPM plan for cultivating skills in those areas/area via offline or online resources, degrees etc.
  3. Build your portfolio or equivalent of it, and start working in the path/paths you chose.

Life management (productivity and self reflections)

We all need structure, and tools to be living efficiently and effectively - living intentionally - be it personal or professional life. So here are some resources:
The Productivity Guide: Time Management Strategies That Work
Focus: The Ultimate Guide on How to Improve Focus and Concentration
Doist blog has some really great articles on being productive, I'll add links to few of my favorites:
The Complete Guide to Planning Your Day
[Workflow Guide] Accomplish Your Big Goals With Don’t Break the Chain
How to Organize Your Life
Btw they have this really great To-do list app too called Todoist if you like managing stuff digitally.
I already mentioned Bullet Journal which is also great productivity and management tool. Here's a YT video explaining BULLET JOURNALING for STUDENTS.
If you are student, check out Thomas Frank's channel, he makes videos that "help you be more productive - whether you're in high school, college, university, or the real world."
Here are 2 videos from Thomas Frank that's really helpful:
Working From Home: How to Stay Focused
Working from Home: How to Plan Your Day
If you prefer rather video content, here are few YT channels around personal development and self reflection;
- MuchelleB
- Lana Blakely
- Nathaniel Drew
- Matt D'Avella
- The School of Life
- Academy of Ideas

Relationships (family, friends, SO)

Here are 5 books for relationships everybody should read.
5 Relationship Books Everyone Should Read [2]
Few resources on cleansing unhealthy relationships, and setting boundaries:
- Mel Robbins' worksheet for doing THE FRIEND CLEANSE and setting Boundaries in relationships.
- How to deal with draining relationships | Mel Robbins
- Relationship Ambivalence: Should You Stay or Leave?
Resources on creating healthy relationships;
- The Gottman Institute | A research-based approach to relationships
- The Gottman Institute on IG. They post really great content on IG, I highly recommend.
- Navigating friendships
- Aminatou Sow & Ann Friedman: The Truth About Big, Messy Friendship


Usually nobody teaches us about financial literary whether in education system or in family, and it's a neglected area in a lot of people's lives including mine.
Giving yourself financial literacy can empower yourself in lot of ways to live more authentic, stress-free life.
Here's are few resources for navigating finances in your life;
The Financial Diet
I Will Teach You To Be Rich
Six Books That Changed My Life
Everything you’ve been told about money is wrong.
Money Manager is good app to track your expenses and incomes: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.realbyteapps.moneymanagerfree&hl=en

  1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aCqm5LKinFDn1mf48Y2epFpaYH9ZsjmI?usp=sharing
  2. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1TAa0UX3yUwqzrk9TEblxEct9GoFFF1tM?usp=sharing
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iu-ZzOQ9EzmSgQnCrfbk1gvk59u_XnHw/view?usp=sharing
I hope, it was of any help to you. :)
Feel free to DM me if you need any help.
submitted by irartist to exmuslim [link] [comments]

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